~Part 33~

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A/n: I just wanna thank all of y'all. So many people have been adding my story to there reading lists. I love all of y'all! I decided to not include Nikis funeral in this, sorry, but I'm writing a new story it's gunna be a quackityxOC.

After 15 minutes of walking you reach the park. You sit on a swing and wait. "Hey" a voice says. "Hey Nick." You say slowing your swing down. He sits on the swing next to you. There's a moment of silence before he says,

"I'm sorry, like really sorry. I really do like you y/n and it's hard to help that but I truly am sorry." He pleads. You frown, "It's ok Nick, but please don't try any of that again." "I promise, does this mean we're on good terms again?" He asks. You laugh, "yeah." He gets up and hugs you. You hug him back and then pull away.

"While we're here you wanna do something?" You ask him, while laughing. He smirks and says, "race ya. Last one to the slide is a loser." He immediately bolts and you say, "hey not fair!" "Don't be a loser start running." You start running trying to catch up. You keep running, not paying attention and trip over a rock . Nicks turns back and absolutely looses it, laughing at you. "OH MY GOD." He says laughing. You lay there laughing also.

"That w-was not funny." You say, trying to hold in your laughs. He helps you up and you guys go to the slide. You're climbing up the slide when your phone dings. You pull it out and it's a text from clay. "Hey I was wondering if we could have a date tomorrow?" "Yeah sure!" You text back. You put your phone away and continue running up the slide. Nick goes down the slide knocking you over. You get up and laugh, while he is losing it, laughing.

_____TIME SKIP_____

You lay down in your bed while FaceTiming clay.
"So what time do you wanna have this date?" You ask. "Well first I wanna take you to dinner and then somewhere else after that so how about 6:00pm?" He asks. "Yeah that works but what is the suprise after?" You ask eagerly. "Then it wouldn't be a suprise." He says laughing. "I know, you know I hate surprises tho, in fact I have a suprise for you, it's a birthday gift." You say. "What is it?" He asks. "Well you have to wait." You tell him. "How about I tell you the thing and you give me my gift early tomorrow...deal?" He asks. "Ok!" You say happily. "Ok so after dinner I wanna take you to this super cool fair and I know you will love it." He says. "Ooh that's sounds fun!" You say moving around a bit.


"Ok I'm tired I think I'm gunna get off now." You say yawning. "Ok goodnight! I love you." He says. "I love you to clay." You say hanging the phone up. You set your phone down and roll over, into a more comfortable position and fall asleep.

_____Time skip to morning_____

*beep beep beep* "Omg shut up." You say smaking your phone. You sit up and check the time, "11:00am." You rub your eyes and stand up. You go straight to the bathroom and get into the shower. You turn on the water and and rest your head against the wall, while letting the water run down your body. After your shower you get out and dry off. You put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt.

After you head downstairs to get some breakfast. You grab some pancake mix and start making the pancakes. Tommy runs out and tugs on your shirt, "Can you make us chocolate pancakes." He screams. "Yes I can Tommy." You say laughing. You grab some chocolate chips out of the fridge and drop some into the batter. You pour a little on to the pan and let it cook. You sit up on the counter on your phone. It's now "12:00pm" You hop off the counter and flip the pancakes. You make 1 for Tommy and 1 for Toby. You plate them and set them at the table. "Boys! Pancakes." You scream they come running out and sit down. You make a couple extra pancakes in case Alex or your parents want some. By the time you finish dishes it's "12:30pm" you sit down and starts eating. "Ohhh pancakes!" Alex says. He sits next to you and starts eating them. "Hey I'm going to Karls later...wanna come?" He asks. "I would love to, but I have a date later." You say taking a sip of water. "OooOooH with who?" He asks stupidly. "Don't be and idiot Alex." You say standing up. "Who, with George?" He taunts you. "God I hate you." You say setting your plate in the sink. You walk back up to your room and pick out and outfit for your date.

 You walk back up to your room and pick out and outfit for your date

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Once you have it all planned out, you head back downstairs. "Hey we're watching a movie, wanna join?" You dad asks. You grab your phone and check the time, "1:30pm" "yeah sure." You say walking over and sitting next to the boys. Mom and dad are on the one couch and Alex is sitting on the floor. Your sitting on the other couch with the twins. You guys ended up watching 2 different movies. You grab your phone, "oh shoot, sorry guys I gotta get ready for a date." You say standing up. "Ok have fun sweetie!" Your dad says. You walk back to your room and start doing your hair. After you curl it you put your outfit on and tie your shoes. Its, "5:45." You finished just in time. You grab your bag and walk downstairs. "Oh my gosh, you look amazing!" Your mom says, standing up and hugging you." You laugh, "thank you mommm." She pulls away and sheds a tear. You raise a eyebrow,

"Why are you crying mom?" "Your so grown up, it makes me sad." She says hugging you again. You hug her back and say, "don't worry mom, I'm not going anywhere."
The doorbell rings and you pull back, "goodbye mom, I love you." "I love you to hunny." She says. "Bye dad, bye Alex!" You say. They both say bye back. Tommy and Toby run up and hug you. You open the door and Clay hugs you, "wow you look gorgeous." He says kissing you. You laugh and say, "oh wait I forgot your gift." You run up to your room and grab the bag. "Ok all ready now!" You say he grabs your hand and leads you outside. "Bye!"

You say, waving. You get to clays car and set the present in his backseat. "So what restaurant are we going to?" You ask him. "You will see." He says. "Come on I'm giving you your gift early!" You beg. "Just wait, we will be there soon." He says grabbing your hand. "Ok fineee." You say turning the radio up.

A/n: Ok gunna stop it there. It's literally 4:00am and I'm to tired for this.


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