~Part 27~

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"Just shut up and pass me some more vodka." You say reaching your hand out. Nick holds its back, "no way, I don't think you body could handle that." He says laughing. You sit up on your knees staring at him, "give it, now!" You demand. "Only if you give me a kiss princess." He says obviously joking. Guess you didn't understand the joke. You leaned in, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, kissing him. While your kiss him you reach a little further grabbing the bottle and then pulling away. "There, we both win." You say opening it.

"Wow." Is all he says. "Don't be so shocked, you know you liked ittt." You sat slurring your words. "Oh shit!" He says just realizing what he did." "What?" You ask taking a sip of the vodka. "Uh hold on I gotta talk to Alex." He gets up quickly, scurrying into the kitchen. "Ok then."

You say laying down. You slowly close your eyes, hearing the boys talk loudly. You smile and slowly start to sleep.


You flutters your eyes open and rub your head.

Shit my head hurts. To much.

You sit up and hear a noise from behind you. Nick lays there peacefully. "Shit." You say under your breath. You get up quickly, heading to Karls room. You see him on his bed and quackity on the other end, about to fall off." You shake him awake, "sorry to wake you, but can I take the car home? Can you ask Karl to take you home?" You ask. He nods , "sure." Grabbing his keys from his pocket, tossing them to you. "Thanks." "Yup." You shut the door quietly, and head back to the living room. You hurry up and grab your shoes and stuff, trying to not wake up nick.

You open the door and run out. "Did I sleep with him?" You say gripping the wheel. You lean your head back, "fuck it's all a blur," you start the car up and start driving home. You drive in complete silence until you get a message. You grab your phone looking at it but also the road. You see the messages from Niki.


"Hey it's Nikis mom, she's in the hospital right now stage 3 pancreatic cancer. There's a very small chance she will live." You jaw drops. You pull into the driveway. "Oh my gosh." You say shoving your hands in your face. "What hospital? I'll be there asap." You text back quickly," she texts back immediately. You quickly start driving with tears in your eyes. You get there and run into the hospital. "Hello I have a friend here her name is-" "y/n" nikis mom says. You hug her, "I'm so sorry." You say. She tears up, "I know, it'll be ok." She leads you back to nikis room.

Niki immediately smiles when she sees you. You lean over and hug her. "I'm glad your here." She says grabbing your hand, "I love you so much." You say tearing up. She grabs a small box from beside her and hands it to you. "What's this?" You ask sniffling. "It's a gift, for you, for your birthday," she smiles, signaling you to take the box. You grab it, "You really didn't have to Niki." She smiles, "Your my best friend of course I had to." She says making you both laugh. You open the box and it's charm bracelet. It has you and nikis initial on it with a charm from every moment you guys had together as kids. You shed a tear, "omg Niki I love it. Thank you so much," you say hugging her. "Anything for my best fiend." The next couple of hours you sit there taking, not knowing when it's gunna be the last time you speak to her.

You loose track of time and nurse comes in, "sorry hun but visiting hours are over." You hug Niki one more time, "goodbye Niki, I'll be back tomorrow." "Bye y/n I love you." She says cheerfully, even tho she's on her death bed, she sure knows how to light up a whole room. "I love you to Niki." You say waving goodbye. You take a deep breath and start walking again. You fiddle with your bracelet that she gave you. You get out to the car and sit down. "I really may loose my best friend." You say tearing up. You calm yourself down and start driving home. You notice your phone had a bunch of missing calls and texts. You turn your phone off and continue driving home. When you get home you see Alex sitting on the porch. He runs up to you, "where the hell have you been!?" He asks frantically. "Can we talk about it later" you ask, visibly sad. "Yeah sure." You get out the car, handing him his keys. You walk through the door too see your mom sitting there, "sweetie where have you been? I thought you got hurt? Are you ok?" She ask. "I'm fine mom, I just need to clear my mind, that's all," She nods and you head up to your room flopping down.

You check you phone to see some of the missed calls and texts were clay. You call him and he picks up quickly. "Hello? Y/n, are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah I'm fine." You say. "I can hear it in your voice, your not what's wrong?" He asks again. You just couldn't hold it in, you started frantically crying, "I'm sorry." You say. "I'm coming over." He says scared. You lay down dropping your phone. You just sit there, curling up into a ball and crying.

About 8 minutes later clay bursts through your bedroom door. "Y/n" he says coming over and hugging you. "I'm sorry clay——I shouldn't have brought you into this." You say struggling to talk. He hugs you tighter, "no it's perfectly fine, I love you, I wanna be here for you always." He hugs you for longer, calming you down. "It's just nikis in the hospital, stage 3 pancreatic cancer. There's a small chance she will survive." You say sniffling. "Awe I'm so sorry y/n. Do you wanna go see her?" He asks, still holding you close."We cant, visiting hours are over." You say. "We can see her tomorrow, ok?" He says. You nod, hugging him. "My life sucks right now. My dad is trying to come here tomorrow and now my best friend might be dying." You say shoving your head in his neck. "Shh I know y/n, I won't go anywhere." He says. Someone lightly knocks on the door. "Yes?" You ask. "Can I come in?" Alex asks. "Yeah go ahead." You say. He opens the door and you lean back from hugging clay. Alex sit down on your chair at your desk. "Niki has cancer." You say looking down. "Oh I'm so sorry." He says getting up hugging you. "Is it very serious?" He asks. "Stage 3, pancreatic." You say sniffling. "I can drive you to see her tomorrow." Alex says. "It's fine, I don't wanna get you wrapped into all of this. It's just better to look after mom, I can't loose her to." He nods and walks out. You overhear him taking. He must be telling mom about Niki. You sit there sighing. "This really suck." You say.

He wraps his arms tighter around you and sets his chin on top of your head, "I know, it will be all ok." He says. You lay down and he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, "I love you so much babe." He says, kissing the back of your head. You smile and close your eyes. He snuggled up closer to you putting his face in your hair.


"OH MY GOD." You yelled sitting up. Clay wakes up, "what? What's wrong?" "I'm sorry, go back to bed I had a nightmare." You say standing up. "Wait." He says tugging on your pants, making you sit down. He grabs you waist pulling you back to his side, "tell me about you nightmare." He says looking into your eyes. "Well it was about my dad. He came and hurt us, my mom, Alex, me." You say sighing. "I'm sorry I sound like an idiot." He hugs you, "You don't, I wanna hear all your problems. What if we go outside and take a walk. Ok?" He asks. "Yeah, that would be nice." He sits up and grabs your hand. You both put on your shoes and walk out the door.

A/n: Poor Niki :(((

Words: 1444

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