~Part 6~

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You wake up the next morning and clays arms are right around your waist holding you against him. You lean to grab your phone and check the time. "7:25am" "OH MY GOSH CLAY WAKE UP!" He sits up "what WHAT?" "We have school come on." He sighs and lays back down "just skip." He says pulling you back down with him. "But I can't today I have finals." You say trying to get out of his grip. "But im comfortableeee." He says. "You can stay home but I can't, not today. Sorry clay." You slide out from his grip and take one of his hoodies.

"Hey THATS mine missy." He says with an attitude. "Sorry not sorry!" You say giving him a quick kiss then running out the door. You see Alex still asleep in the car you bang on the window. "Alex ALEX WAKE UP!! WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" He wakes up and unlocks the door. "Get in the passenger im driving." He nods still half asleep. You speed home and jump out the car grabbing your backpack and things. You grab a banana and head back out. You sit in the car waiting for Alex

come on Alex were already late enough...

He finally comes out and jumps back in "finally Alex." He pouts "sowwy." ew "Don't ever say that again." You say trying not to laugh. He also starts laughing as you drive to school. You guys get there by 7:45. You guys were only 20 minutes late but that was fine. You run to your locker and put your stuff away and head to your first class or the day.

A/n: Sorry kinda short AGAIN

Words: 284

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