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Taehyung's hand rested on Laila's thigh as he drove along the road, and Laila couldn't help but blush every time his fingers would draw up closer and curl a little before relaxing.

"I thought you didn't like this ice cream place," Laila voices quietly as he turns into the parking lot.

"I don't," Taehyung says, his voice rough.

Laila frowns, hopping out of the car and following him to the counter. His shoulders were tense, and he was holding her hand tightly like he was afraid. He even began stuttering when he tried to order their ice cream, so Laila had to step in and order for them as she placed a comforting hand on the small of his back.

It was too cold to sit outside, but Taehyung led her to a specific table to eat. It was silent now, as they both swirled their spoons in their bowels awkwardly.

"I came here a really long time ago," Taehyung suddenly says, staring off in space as if lost in a memory. "My mom took my sister and I here when we were kids."

"Yeah?" Laila smiles softly.

Taehyung blinks, and then he shakes his head with a small smile. "You know why I brought you here?"

Laila shakes her head, and Taehyung reaches out to grab her hand. "It sounds sort of stupid, but this is kind of... healing? I have such a bad memory associated with this place, and I want to make a happier one with you. Is that weird?"

Laila's pulse quickens and she squeezes his hand. "It's not weird."

Taehyung's eyes fell to her lips, and she felt her breath hitch as he began to lean forward. And he almost got a taste of her thick lips. Almost.

A loud boom of thunder broke them apart, and it wasn't long before the rain droplets followed.

"Oh shit! My ice cream!" Taehyung wails, holding his hand over his bowel.

"Oh hell no!" Laila shouts, sliding her hood over her hair.

Taehyung laughs as she pulls the strings tight and ties them. "Well don't you look cute."

"Shut up," she snaps.

Taehyung grins, and then he pulls her up from the table and towards his car, where they thankfully find shelter before the storm really hits.


"Do you want anything to drink?" Laila calls out as she heads into her apartment, letting her hood down in the process.

Taehyung doesn't answer. He leans against the open door frame of the kitchen and watches her with a small smile as she opens the cabinet and grabs a cup.

"You're not answe—oh," she blushes as she looks back at his dreamy gaze.

"Water is fine," he says softly, his smile growing.

Laila nods, quickly turning away to fill a glass before handing it to him.

"Thanks," he grins, taking the glass before wrapping a hand around her waist.

"Mhm, well I'll just in my room if you... need me," she smirks, cupping his jaw and kissing him slowly before walking away.

Taehyung pushes his tongue through his cheek and reaches out quickly to swat at her ass as she walks away, smirking at the giggle he gets in return. He waits a few seconds, deciding to give her a head start, before taking a small sip of his water and setting it down.

When he does reach her room, he opens the door before looking down with a low chuckle.

"Baby," he sighs, looking back up at her with dark eyes.

Taehyung uses one hand to reach behind him to close the door, and then the couple were left in complete privacy.

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