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When Taehyung woke up, he felt warm. The rays of sunlight that slipped through his curtains painted his back a golden hue and he groaned tiredly, hugging his pillow tighter.

Despite still feeling a little pissed off about last night, he was glad to be there with Laila. Dancing with her was amazing, but sitting in that private room with her, her gentle touch and smooth words calming him down, was almost better.

He reached blindly for his phone and cracked his eyes open to view his notifications, one sticking out from the others.

One that was Laila asking him to grab coffee with her.

A small, tired smile pulls at Taehyung's lips and he props himself onto his elbow, raking his fingers back through his hair before getting up to get ready.

The familiar smell of cinnamon and coffee hits his nose when he walks into the café doors later that morning. When he saw her, he immediately headed in her direction, his converse stopping just at the foot of her chair.

"Hey," she beams, standing up.

"Hey," he smiles.

The pair make their way over to the register, ordering coffees and bagels for their breakfast. The café was a little busier in the morning, but it was nice. The atmosphere was always calming and old classics played on the speakers, creating a perfect aesthetic for the two artists.

"How're you feeling?" she asks once they sit down.

"Better," he shrugs, spreading the cream cheese along his bagel. "Still pissed off, but I'm okay."

Laila hums in acknowledgement, taking a generous sip of her coffee. She was glad she chose the right guy, even though it was clear from the beginning who her heart really belonged to. She didn't even want to look at James after what he did.

"Do you have work today?" she asks, trying to steer the conversation into a more positive one.

"Tonight," he nods, a small smirk crawling onto his lips. "Why? Wanna visit me again?"

"Maybe," she challenges, laughing softly as she leaned forward. "Should I bring you something to eat again?"

"Just you."

Laila blushes, looking down at her coffee and biting back the excited squeal at the tip of her tongue.

"You're dirty," she finally said, looking up with a teasing grin.

"Dirty?" he laughs, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest. "You're the one with a dirty mind, Laila. I was simply saying I wanted your company."

"Oh, is that right?" she scoffs out a laugh, leaning back and mirroring his position.

Taehyung stares at her before pushing his tongue through his cheek with a smirk, rolling his eyes. The sight made her heart stammer against her chest.

"Come tonight."

"Is that a demand or a request?"

"A request, you damn brat," he smiles, and Laila grinned mischievously.


Laila opened the familiar doors of J's Company and headed inside with a small container filled with freshly baked, chocolate chip cookies. She knows Taehyung told her not to bring anything, but she felt bad coming to visit him without bringing at least something to eat.

It was around nine o'clock when she made it there, and she hoped he wasn't too tired and would still enjoy her company.

"Hello," she smiles, greeting the secretary. This was a different one, and she assumed that her and Jimin alternated shifts.

"Hello," Chloe hums, folding her arms on the desk. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, um, I'm here for Taehyung," Laila says bashfully. "Is he in a meeting now?"

"Taehyung?" Chloe repeats, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you here for him?"

Laila was taken aback at the snarl, holding the container of cookies tighter. This was definitely a different mood than when she met Jimin. Jimin was sweet, and bubbly, and made her feel welcomed.

Chloe, on the other hand, was tapping her manicured fingers against the desk with an impatient look.

"I brought him something to eat," Laila finally says.

"Well I doubt he'll need it," Chloe remarks. "Besides, he's in a meeting right now."

"Oh," Laila frowns. Maybe she did come too late. "Will you let him know I came?"


But Taehyung was sitting at his desk, chin in his hand as he stared out the wide windows that gave him a view of the city. He was waiting for Laila to show up and was becoming worried she never would, as there was only an hour left of his shift.

"Don't look so happy," Noah teases, sitting on the other side of his desk.

"Ha-ha," Taehyung smiles lightly, looking at his friend.

"What's wrong?" Noah asks, his tone more serious as he looks at his friend's sulky expression.

"It's nothing," Taehyung sighs, waving his hand dismissively.

"Alright, alright, keep your secrets," Noah rolls his eyes playfully and stands. "A few of the boys and I are gonna grab some beers after work. You wanna come?"

"Sure," the brunette nods, and after his friend leaves, he returns to his sad mood.

How come Laila never came?

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