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"When you draw someone, you have to capture everything," the professor explains. "Every detail must be drawn if you want to truly emphasize someone's beauty."

Taehyung scribbles the notes down with a sigh. His hands were itching to paint something, draw something, literally do anything other than sit here and watch any more of this powerpoint.

The class ends soon enough and Taehyung, like usual, is rushing to get out. He just made it out into the hallway when a hand wrapped around his wrist, causing him to turn around with alarmed eyes.

"Sorry," the girl laughs. "I just wanted to talk to you, but you ran out of class before I got the chance. I'm Laila."

Taehyung blinks at her before scoffing and ripping his hand away. "Taehyung."

Then he was rushing away again, and Laila stood there humiliated. She was going to ask him questions and try to get to know him, but he was proving that it was going to be harder than that.

"Why did I even grab him like that?" she whines once her face hits her pillow.

Despite not really getting anywhere with him, she did learn one thing.

Taehyung was such a beautiful name. It suited him perfectly, she thought. A perfect name for a perfect man.

After her brief indulgence in self pity, Laila decided to get up and do something useful, which meant going to the corner store to get groceries. The door opened with a small jingle as she entered the shop and she greeted the cashier with a half bow before grabbing her basket and starting down an aisle.

When she was halfway through her shopping, she pulled out her list to check what else she needed. Except, she did that while turning a corner, and she crashed into something hard that made the basket drop from her hands.

"I'm so sorry, love, are you alright?" the stranger asks in worry.

Laila stares up at him with her face growing hot. He had a sharp jawline and wavy, brown hair that made him look incredibly soft despite his strong features.

Great, as if this evening couldn't get any more embarrassing. She just bumped into a handsome stranger like a clutz.

"I-I'm okay, I'm sorry," she says, shutting her eyes with a pained smile. "I should've been watching where I was going."

"No harm done," he smiles, and they stare at each other before he offers a lopsided smile. "Let me help you gather your things."

"Oh, right," she replies awkwardly, cursing herself internally as she watches him place the groceries back into her basket.

"I'm James," he says, picking her basket up off the ground with ease. "Are you done shopping?"

"Laila," she greets. "And almost. I can take the basket now."

"No, no, it's quite alright," he laughs. "Unless you'd like to reject me already, that is."

Laila rolls her eyes as her cheeks warm and motions for him to follow her. As she continued to grab the last of her things, the two of them got to know one another. She figured out that James actually went to the same lecture hall as her in the morning, and that he was here on a student visa from England.

"Well, I'm afraid this is where I leave you," he sighs, setting her basket on the cashier's counter. "I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Yeah," she smiles up at him. "I'll see you, James."

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