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Taehyung felt the bass of the music pound against his heart as they threaded through the crowds of people, Laila's hand holding his in a tight grip. When she found a spot that was deemed acceptable, she pushed her backside to his front, causing him to gulp nervously.

His hands found purchase on her hips and he watched as she felt the music as she danced. Taehyung found himself smiling a bit, gaining more confidence as he gripped her hips tighter and pinned her against him.

The more time that went by, the more Taehyung felt himself relax and actually have fun for once. His blazer was discarded and the sleeves of his dress shirt were now rolled up his elbows. They had a few drinks in their systems and although Taehyung was fully aware, he was starting to feel the adrenaline from being tipsy.

"You drive me crazy," he growls into her ear when she pushes her ass to his crotch.

"Do I?" she smirks, turning around and wounding her arms around his neck.

"Yes," he says instantly, tipping her chin with his fingers so that her hazy eyes landed on his.

Laila toys with his tie before lifting up and smashing her lips onto his, the music falling deaf on her ears as she drinks in the handsome man grabbing her ass between his large hands. Her own hands slid up to his hair and tugged at it to bring him impossibly closer, and he bit her lower lip and sucked on it in response.

"My lipstick," he laughs as he wipes at the corner of her lips with his thumb.

"Leave it," she grins, taking his wrist and pulling it down. "I want it. I want you."

"Laila," he says warningly, his eyes falling to her lips.

"Hey, guys!" James laughs, scaring both of them as he slings an arm around both of their shoulders. "'M so happy you're here~!"

Taehyung scoffs in disgust, moving his face away from James's drunken breath. He didn't know James was gonna be at this party, and now he wanted to tug Laila's shirt down so that her precious body was conserved from that bastard's stupid eyes.

"Hi, James," Laila laughs, slipping from under his arm to distance herself. "Nice costume."

"I know, right?" James smirks, pointing at his fake badge. "I'm a fucking poilce officer!"

"We know," Taehyung spits, causing the other to frown.

"Laila~, come hang out with me," James whines, reaching for her. "Taehyung is no fun."


"No! He's a weird fucking guy, okay?" James shouts drunkenly. "He's a cold hearted bitch that-"

"Watch your fucking mouth," Taehyung snarls, stepping forward.

"Or what?" James laughs, pointing at his badge again. "Don't mess with me, I'm a police offi-"

"Taehyung, no!" Laila shouts, placing herself in front of him and pushing at his chest when he lunges forward. "He's drunk."

"Aww, why are you touching him and not me?" James whines, grabbing Laila's wrist.

"Don't touch me!" Laila growls, ripping her hand away.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Taehyung seethes, hooking his fingers into the back pocket of Laila's shorts and tugging her back until she met the front of his chest. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I just don't get how she likes you," James scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're a rude bastard that keeps his walls up all the fucking time. What gives you the right, giving people cold looks and acting like you're the-"

"That's enough!" Laila shouts. "Don't you ever talk about Taehyung like that again, you fucking asshole! Get away from us and stay away."

With that, Laila grabs Taehyung's hand and leads him upstairs to an empty room, watching with sad eyes as the man before her sat down on the bed with a defeated look.

"Taehyung," Laila starts, walking towards him.

Taehyung says nothing, only staring down at his hands with a frown. A million thoughts were racing through his head and he felt anxious, upset and so fucking angry at the same time.

"You're a rude bastard that keeps his walls up all the fucking time."

There was a reason Taehyung did that. There was a reason he was perceived cold just because he was protecting his heart. And this asshole comes in here and tries to tell him off for it. What does he know? What does that fucking shithead know about Taehyung's life?

"Taehyung," Laila tries again softly, sitting on her knees on the ground in front of him and grabbing his tightly clenched fists in her hands.

"He knows nothing," he spits.

"I know, baby, I know," she says gently, caressing his knuckles with her thumbs in hopes he would lighten his grip.

"That fucking asshole," Taehyung seethes. "Acting like he's some big shot—fuck!"

Laila frowns when Taehyung grips his hair and tugs harshly, quickly sliding onto his lap and placing her hands on his.

"Let go, Taehyung," she says, keeping her tone soft. "You're hurting yourself."

Taehyung hesitates before sighing, letting his fingers ease up and slip from his hair. She intertwined their fingers and laid her forehead against his, allowing him to take a few deep breaths.

"He was wrong," Laila says. "You and I both know he was. I know you, and you're not any of those awful things he called you. Okay?"

Taehyung swallows the lump in his throat. Because she did know him, but not all of him. She didn't know the secrets held inside of his heart, the ones he's been dying to spill to her because he just wanted to let someone take care of him for once.

"Okay," he whispers regardless, and the couple sit there with their eyes closed as they breathe and relax in the other one's embrace.

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