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Two bodies were pressed tightly together, warm and content in each other's embrace. Laila's back was pressed against Taehyung's chest and his strong arms were wrapped around her middle, their bare legs intertwined beneath the sheets.

They would have slept all morning if it weren't for Taehyung's alarm going off on his phone, and the brunette groaned as he slowly unwrapped his arms from Laila and reached over to the nightstand to grab his phone.

Laila rolls onto her other side and reaches for Taehyung with a soft, tired moan. Taehyung smiles, bending down and kissing her forehead before heading to the bathroom for a shower.

Laila woke up sometime towards the end of his shower, and she got up with sore legs to stretch. She grabbed his shirt in a half awake state and buttoned it up before slipping a fresh pair of underwear up her legs.

The door to the bathroom suddenly opened and Taehyung came out with a white robe on, the one that originally belonged to Theo. His hair was wet and there were still some droplets dripping down his chest, the material of the fluffy robe soaking it up.

Taehyung seemed frozen as he took her in. She just looked so pretty in his clothes, all soft and beautiful and fuck, Taehyung was whipped.

"Good morning," she hums, rolling onto her toes to give him a quick peck before going into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Taheyung sat on the toilet as she did so, the pair laughing and talking as she did her morning routine. The atmosphere was much less stressful this morning.

After the couple had changed—Taehyung wearing his clothes from yesterday, as he would have to get clothes from his suitcase later—they headed out to the kitchen with their fingers intertwined, ready to share some breakfast.

That is, until they saw a smirking Alex and Theo at the breakfast bar.

"Well good morning, love birds," Theo smirks.

"We'll, uh, leave you two alone," Alex says, a knowing smile on her lips as her and Theo rush out of the room.

Once they're gone, Laila groans in embarrassment and face plants into her hands. That was not how she wanted them to meet Taehyung.

"So much for first impressions," Taehyung laughs, pulling her hands away.

"I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen," she sighs.

With some toast, eggs and coffee, their time was running out. Taehyung had to be at the airport in half an hour and despite not wanting to leave after finally patching things up with Laila, he had a first class seat next to his sister waiting for him.

"I have to leave soon," he whispers, tracing her back with the feathery touch of his fingers. They were at the front door, trying to stall as much time as they could.

Laila hums in acknowledgment, pressing kisses along his jaw until her mouth meets his, and they exchange soft and sweet kisses, savoring every last second before he has to go.

"Promise me you'll go to the art exhibition for me," he suddenly says.

"What art exhibition?" she asks, pulling back in confusion. "The one for our school?

"Yeah, they're doing it over break and I can't go, so..." Taehyung smiles shyly. "Go for me. I want you to see my drawing."

"Alright," Laila smiles, rolling onto her toes to press yet another kiss to his lips. "Now, go! Before I drag you back to my room and never let you."

"Alright, alright," Taehyung sighs playfully, bending down and giving her one final kiss before heading out the door, on his way to Paris.

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