Chapter 30 - His Last Day and Her Last Chance

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"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Kim. We will see you in the fall."

"Thank you, Mr. Oh, I appreciate all the help you've given me."

"Of course. I hope you're ready for this new chapter in your life."

"I am, Sir."

Taehyung kept replaying that conversation over and over as he stood in Seokjin's office. He watched as the man typed away on his computer, silent for a while. Taehyung glanced down at him, hands at his sides as he waited quietly for his boss to say anything. Seokjin glanced up, sighing as he crossed his arms. His lips tugged together in a slight, thin line. Taehyung shifted in his seat, and before he knew it, the older man's eyes were pointed directly at him.

"So, what you're telling me is I have to start looking around for a rehire?" He asked. A groan escaped his lips. "You brat. Why did you have to be even more talented than I thought you were when I hired you? I was shooting for having you around at least another 3 or 4 years." Taehyung laughed a bit.

"Sorry, Mr. Kim. But I won't be able to handle the travel that I'd have to do to keep both and-." Seokjin was quick to raise a hand and stop Taehyung before he began rambling senselessly.

"I'm only kidding. You've been given quite an opportunity, what kind of boss would I be if I penalized you for taking it?"

"...A bad one?" Taehyung grinned, and both men laughed. "I'll finish cleaning out my stuff at the end of the day, but I'll leave up all of the posters and charts and stuff, in case any future art teacher decides they need it." With a bow of his head, Taehyung turned on his head and exited the room. As he closed the door, a sound of children giggling and cheering entered the hallway. Taehyung turned to see the children making their way inside, with you leading them. A smile was on your face as you walked backward, an art you had mastered long agotoo watch the students easily. As you approached Seokjin's office, you spun back around when one of the kids shouted: "Mr. Kim is back!"

Immediately, the kids began poking their heads out of line in hopes to see the man. Taehyung smiled, waving to the sea of children as they eagerly began to cheer and greet him.

"You were missed." You said simply, a small smile forming on your face. "Welcome back, Mr. Kim."

"Happy to be back." He said sweetly, his eyes casting right towards you as you smooth ut your skirt. "I missed you..." A moment of silence fell over the hallway, and Taehyung watched your ears tint a bit red, eyes darting towards the wall, the ceiling, basically anywhere that Taehyung was not. "...Guys. You guys..." Taehyung gasped, his ears not far behind as they too felt extremely hot. "I missed you guys." Quickly, you turned to Hoseok, who was standing behind the line with his arms crossed, watching with what you could only tell was a forced smile.

"Mr. Hobi, can you take the kids inside? I need to ask Mr. Kim a question."

"Right." Hoseok quickly hurried towards the front of the line, motioning the children to hurry along. Though they protested, wanting to stay and see Mr. Kim for a few moments longer, one stern look from Hoseok and the students were silent, walking into the classroom without another word from them. With them gone, you quickly turned to Taehyung, who was rubbing his neck shyly.

"...Are you going to tell them when your last day is, or should I?"

"I'll tell them today." He spoke. "But I might need you in there to make sure I explain it right...and to take care of any crying kids." A laugh escaped your lips, and you nodded in agreement. "...I really did miss you." He said softly. You glanced up at him. "It'll be a sad day when I have to leave."

A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon