Chapter 7 - Just a Headache...

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The illuminated glow of a ceiling lamp hung over a crowded table at a bar. Four friends sat around, drinks in their hands as their idle chatter cut through the copious amounts of chatter from other bar patrons nearby. As another round of drinks was brought to the table, the group of four people took their newly refilled drinks and brought them to their lips. The jovial atmosphere left nothing but enjoyable conversations and loud laughter, especially from Park Jimin. Taehyung, who had remained relatively slightly as he watched his friends converse, was pulled away from his thoughts by the sound of his best friend's laughter. When he looked over, his cup touching his lips, he saw Jisoo look in his direction.

"Are you spacing out?" She asked curiously, leaning forward. Taehyung set his drink down.

"No.," he said. "Just listening."

"Listening for what?" Taeyong asked curiously. "We won't be sharing any incredible lesson plans in between all the drunken stupidity." Taehyung couldn't help but snicker.

"I know." He said. "I don't need to do lesson plans, anyway."

"How's it going with that job, anyway?" Jisoo asked curiously.

"Good," Taehyung said. "I've been there about a week and a half so far. I like it a lot more than I thought I would, that's for sure."

"Any problem kids?" Taeyong asked.

"Uhhh, no, not really. They're as good as three and four-year-old kids can get, you know? Their teacher has been teaching them well." Taeyong nodded, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he leaned back in his seat.

"Well, that's good."

"Have you kissed Jimin's feet yet for getting you the job?" Taeyong asked, a grin once again sweeping his face as Taehyung smirked. Jisoo offered an amused chuckle as she sipped her drink as well, watching the banter of her male friends. Jimin lifted his drink, leaning closer to his friend with playfully wide eyes and his lips tied into a straight, expressionless mouth that only made Taehyung snicker harder.

"Yeah. I'm waiting." He teased, leaning an inch closer every time. Taehyung grinned, his boxy smile was prevalent on his face as he continued to feel Jimin's chaotic presence beside him, getting closer and closer with every single moment that passed. "Kim Taehyungieeeee." He cooed, and Taehyung covered his mouth.

"Oh my God, stop." He said, shoving his friend playfully. However, despite pushing his friend aside, Jimin only returned and got closer to his friend, his eyes still wide and his lips still tightly knitted together. Taehyung set his drink down, turning to his friend, and leaning forward. His eyes went wide as well, as wide as they could as he leaned forward and practically pressed his forehead to Jimin's. Jimin's emotionless face eventually broke out into his adorable grin, his wide eyes folding into a set of their little happy smiles, and he finally leaned back, rubbing his forehead.

"I can wait if I have to." He said. "Trust me, Taehyung will be groveling at my feet soon enough." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, pressing his cup to his lips as he took a long sip.

"And what does that mean?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"...You'll see." Jimin hummed simply, lifting his drink to his mouth. Taeyong and Jisoo laughed from the other side of the table.

"I think that's all you're getting, Taehyung," Jisoo said simply, Taeyong laughing in amusement as he nudged her. Taehyung let out a slightly aggravated sigh as he finished off his drink, signaling a nearby waitress for another one. When she approached, he leaned forward.

A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя