Chapter 28 - The Commission Payment

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I can't believe this is happening... Taehyung thought to himself. He starred at the email for hours before finally marrying himself to his desk and getting to work. The night following Taehyung's time at the art show was spent only one way: working. Planning, sketching, scribbling, crumpling and tossing, only to sketch again on another piece of paper. The more paper he wasted, the more frustrated he became! Oh Jihoon, who had contacted Taehyung within 24 hours of the festival's end, had sent Taehyung specific directions for his desired commission. It's only a matter of time before I wake up from this –

"Fuck." Taehyung's thoughts were cut short as the sound of a snapping pencil tip refocused his eyes on his work. The outline of Mrs. Oh, based off a picture seemingly taken on vacation in Paris, had been carefully sketched. It had to be designed to only look like Mrs. Oh, similar to how he had made his picture resemble only you. Tossing his pencil over his shoulder, he was quick to grab another one from the cup that sat at the corner of his desk, and lean forward to continue his work. His eyes scanned the paper carefully, making sure each spot his pencil graced was done so with the right amount of pressure, the right amount of focus. This would be the best thing he ever made; he knew that.

However, it would have to wait. The sound of his ringing phone alerted his attention from the sketch, and over to where he rested his phone on the arm of the couch. It was vibrating so much, that it shifted slightly, ultimately falling towards the floor. Taehyung leaned forward, catching it in his hand as if he had planned for that to happen. When he lifted the phone to his face, your name flashed brightly into his eyes. Taehyung hummed, turning his head and resting against the back of his chair. "Hey."

"Hey." You hummed. "This is the third time I called. You must be busy."

"...Was it?" Taehyung cocked an eyebrow, pulling his phone back to look at the section 'Missed Calls', where your name popped up three separate times in between several spam calls. "Oh, sorry. I'm working."

"No worries. What are you working on?"

"A really important commission." Taehyung said simply, spinning his pencil in his hand.

"Oh cool." You hummed. "I wanted to talk to you about some cute art ideas I had for some of my lessons, and get your opinion on how to make them more exciting. But it can wait until I see you tomorrow, okay? I don't want to pull you from your artistic focus." Taehyung chuckled a bit.

"Send me pictures of what you had in mind. I'll text you if I have any ideas." He offered.

"I told you, it could wait if you're busy." You hummed.

"Well, if you called me three times to ask me for help, then it can't. So, send me the pictures so I have an excuse to take a drawing break before my hand falls right off my wrist." A chuckle escaped your lips, and Taehyung looked down at his picture. Some drafts of the words and phrases Jihoon sent, which he was practicing on various old scraps before adding to the sketch, had shifted onto the paper, and Taehyung gently pushed them to the side before getting out of his seat.

"Alright, if you don't mind doing it now." You hummed. "I'll text them to you and talk more about it tomorrow."

"Deal." Taehyung said. "I want to tell you about my art show stuff too."

"Yes!" You gasped. "I can't wait to hear all about it, Tae!" Hearing you cheerfully hum Tae into one of his ears, even if it was over the phone, had Taehyung's cheeks and ears feel hot, and he chuckled shyly. "I'll let you go take a break. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Alright then..." Taehyung was second to hang up, the sound of the line going dead ringing through his ears. He sighed to himself, pursing his lips together as he headed towards the kitchen. He was starving. As he tried to decide what he was going to eat, a few vibrations off his phone caused him to scoop it up again. He saw a flood of pictures from you, of art projects that seemed to be photographed off of your desk in the classroom. He chuckled a bit as he looked at the examples, putting a hand in his pocket.

A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now