Chapter 19 - Date Number 2

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            It had been a few weeks since your...enlightening lunch with your younger sister. After her little conversation with those two men at the entrance, she returned to the table, attempting to continue your conversation as if nothing had changed. However, you couldn't stop thinking about her comment. As playful or fabricated as she intended for it to be, she agreed with your doubts regarding your romantic standing with three men who you still were unsure if you wanted to have any romantic standing at all. It wasn't something that could just be pushed away when the pizza was brought out to the table and Bong-Cha began talking about her own love life.

Despite that, however, you managed to keep up appearances at work as to not worry any of your coworkers. Yoongi's team had placed second in the high school basketball tournament, and Yoongi had just returned to the preschool to continued his physical education teachings with the kids, much to their delight. There was one day, a Wednesday, where you and Hoseok dropped off the kids on the field with Yoongi, who eagerly herded the kids towards him in fits of excitement. Hoseok headed to the classroom once again to sneak a snack and rest, tired after a long morning of teaching small groups of children the names of shapes and colors. It's a taxing job. Meanwhile, you were walking down the hall when you saw the door to Taehyung's room open. Stopping in the doorway, you watched the man run his hands through his fluffy hair and pace the room. He was looking all over the room as if each location held a new secret to whatever answer he was so desperately looking for. He didn't notice you at first, so you crossed your arms and rested on the door frame, silently continuing to watch him.

"...You look like you're losing your mind." You finally said, and dark eyes turned to look in your direction. It made you chuckle. "If that's what it is, you're a bit late to the party. In a preschool, one is supposed to lose their mind within the first week of employment, or else they're considered crazy." Once Taehyung offered a small chuckle, you stepped into the room. "What's wrong?"

"Everything." He admitted. "President Kim said that his higher-ups want to come and evaluate me." You blinked. "I thought I was only hired here as a recreational thing, not a real teacher. I don't have my teaching degree."

"I know. But you work full-time here, and I'm sure Seokjin speaks your praise at all of his evaluation meetings. Don't worry too much about it, they probably just want to come and finally meet you." Taehyung's shoulders slumped. "If you want to trade, you can easily do my educational evaluation." You said simply. "I have to show all of my lessons for the past four months, along with all of the student's progress and how I plan to help continue to keep their progress going. It's lots of paperwork."

Taehyung shook his head. "No, thanks..." A smile formed on his lips. "But that makes me feel a little better."

"Don't stress, you'll be okay." You assured.

"But it's not just that," Taehyung said. "I got invited to another art show this weekend and I wanted to try and have a few new works prepared for it, but I haven't hit my usual quota."

"Is something on your mind causing all of the artist blocks?" you asked curiously. Taehyung looked over in your direction. He was silent for a moment as he studied your features, unsure of what to say. You offered him a soft smile, and his heart swelled a bit. It felt as if it did a flip, and Taehyung had to make sure he wasn't having a stroke at that moment before responding.

"...No, not particularly." He said simply. After a brief moment of silence, he coughed into his hands. "How's your sister?" He asked. You glanced at him, hands at your sides. "Has she been well?"

"...Is she causing the block?" you cooed, grinning a bit. Taehyung's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"No, no, no! Maybe that was a bad shift to different conversations but trust me, she is not the reason I'm having this block." You forced a little laugh out, and a feeling of guilt sat right on Taehyung's broad shoulders. He only felt that way because as the giggle subsided, the corner of your lips turned downward, and he hated that sight.

A Palette of Emotions - Artist!Taehyung x Teacher!Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now