"We can take my car." I said as we walked out the door.



I finally made it to Alayah's house after landing in LA.  After taking my bags up to the guest room I walked back downstairs to the arcade room and Ma drove to the grocery store to get something to cook for later tonight. She and Kai had been down here a week before me so she wanted to do something before they fly back home tomorrow.

I sat on the couch with the ps5 controller when Momma called. I quickly picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked going to John Wick Hex and waiting for it to load. "Y/N, do you want anything before I come home?" She asked. "No, I'm good." I said as the game started. "You sure?"

"Yeah,"  I said trying to focus. "Okay, I'll be there in ten." "Okay." I said before hanging up.

I played the game as I want for mom. It was long before she pulled in the driveway and blew the hair. "Damn she said ten." I said, pausing the game. I pause the game and walked down to the front door. Putting my shoes on they walking outside to help. "I thought you send ten minutes." I said walking out to the car and helping with the bags.

"You know I drive like a bat out of hell." Mom said as we walked into the house. I kicked the door close then walked into the kitchen. "What are we eating tonight?" I asked taking the food out of the bags. "Homemade lasagna, fried chicken, and corn." She replied taking out pots and pans.

"Ooo, I haven't had that in a while, I can't wait. Do you need any help with anything?" I asked while throwing away the bags. "No, just get two wine glasses and play me some music." I nod and walk over to the cabinet and get the glasses. I walked back over to the barstool and sat down as momma opened the wine bottle.


After getting my cup of wine I walked back into the living room putting my feet up on the couch. Unlocking my phone again I scrolled through Twitter liking some tweets. I closed out of the app and FaceTime Layah. She picked up after the third ring. "Why are you calling me while I'm driving?" She asked. "I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know that you were driving? Why did you pick up the phone while your driving?" I asked before putting the glass to my lips.

"What do you want?" Alayah laughed. "What time are you going to be home?" I questioned. "I'm on my way now. Why what's up?" "I was just asking. I'm ready to see my baby." I replied. "He has had a long day with me at work today." laughed Alayah as she put the camera on him in a car seat sleep with his mouth wide open. "What did you do to my baby?" I asked laughing with her.

"Well, we sat in the my office majority of the day doing some last-minute changes, and he helped me shred some papers. After that, he was with me while I did some casting for a child role," "How did that go?" I asked taking another sip. "Well, not too bad none of the kids fit the part." "So what are you going to do?" "Well," She trailed off. "Well what?" I asked giving her a look. "I let Kai read the script and he fits the role perfectly. And I'm not  just saying that because he's my nephew." She added quickly.

"That's great, What did the other casting directors say?" I asked. "I'm almost home we'll talk about it when I get there." She said. I nod and hung up the phone. I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to bother Mama.


Alayah had finally made it home, after taking Kai up to the spare room she walked back down to the kitchen and sat beside me at the island. "Hey y'all." She said as she took my wine glass and drank out of it. I rolled my eyes and spoke. "Hey," I said taking the glass back and drinking the rest that was left. "How was work today?" Mom asked turning down the music. "It was good, Kai did amazing with the script read, the other casting directors loved him. We all talked and all agreed that he's the right fit for it, all we need is a yes from his Mom." Alayah said looking at me.

"Alayah," "Please Y/N we start filming in a couple of months we still have some last-minute things to do. So you don't have to worry about it interfering with school and you know he will be welled taken care of with me." said Alayah. "Alayah none of those things are problems and I told you from the jump that I don't care I know he will be in good care with you. So before you rudely interrupted me, My answer is yes." I said laughing.

"Great, now you can be a momager." She said as she and momma joined me laughing. "I've always wanted to be a momager." I said shaking my head standing up to get the dishes to set the table.

After I set the table I walked upstairs to wake Kai up. I could hear him snore in the room next to mine. I walked in to see him with his mouth open. I chuckled as going to the bed and sitting down. I shook him lightly. "Kai, wake up its time to eat." Shaking him again. "Hey mama." He said rubbing his eyes sitting up.

"Hey baby, Nana cooked. Let's go eat." I said helping him out of the bed then walking back down to the kitchen.

After dinner, cleaning, and bathing Kai and myself. I finally get to lay down I lay in bed going through HBOmax putting it on Fresh Prince until I fall asleep. I sing along to the theme,  not  even halfway through the episode, I felt myself start to drift. I turned the TV down and laid down closing my eyes . I was out like a light in a matter of seconds.

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