Part 18

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I didn't sleep at all. It was my wedding day and I didn't want to go. Luckily I could invite my mother and sister so they could help me get ready. My mother is even walking me down the aisle. I think it most have been a shock for them too that I get married. I was awake for a while now just walking around my room until a knock on the door stopped me. I opened it and Lily, Clare, Nova and mother were standing there. I hugged my mother and sister as tight as possible afraid of letting go agian. When I let go Nova ran into my room and started to jump up and down the bed. I giggled and Lily was saying something they just made it up but Clare gave her an elbow in her side. We all laughed at the the happy child and it reminded me that my childhood was over after this day. I was only 18 years old I didn't know anything. Nova saw her doll on the bay window and ran towards it, hugging it. I couldn't stop smiling at her she was so cute, I really missed her. Clare went towards my closet and hold up two dresses. One was a little white dress that is coming to the knees. It had a cute little light blue bow on the middle. The other dress was longer and was light blue but still very beautiful. Nova now ran towards the dress and looked at Clare and the at me. "Is this for me?" She asked with a amezed look. "It's yours, I wanted to ask you if you want to be the flower girl?" I asked her and her eyes wided, a smile appeared on her face and she hugged me super tight. "Come on sweety let's get you in the dress." Lily said and took the dress from Clare and then held her hand out so Nova could grabe it. They both walked out of the room to another to get the dress on. My mother took they other dress and went with Clare to another room. I was alone again or I thought. A knock on the door suprised me. "Come in!" I said but no responds, so I walked to the door and opened it to see a little box and a note on the ground. Alice. Was writen on the note. I took the box, the note and walked inside my room. I sat on the bay window wondering what this was. I opened the note and read it outloud for myself.

My dear Alice,

I haven't seen you yesterday at dinner so I hope everythings alright. I wanted to come by but I thought it would be better to leave you alone for our big day. I can't wait to see you and also to finally see your family. Don't be nervous because I know you and I love you for who you are, no matter what others think. In the box is a neckless, it's the same one my mother wore when she got married. It would mean a lot to me if you wear it today.

I hope your doing okay and I'll see you soon, love.

I love you,


I opened the box to see a beautiful diamond neckless. I was holding it in the lights to see that the diamonds were shaped like flowers. Someone came in the room and I knew it was Nova because she never knocks. "Wow, that's very pretty." She said to me, looking at the neckless. Lily came also into the room and looked at the neckless as well. "Omg, It's queen daisy's neckless. How did you get that?" She asked me with a confussed look. "Thomas gave it to me." I said with a smile. Nova was spinning around in her dress making me look at her. She looked beautiful and not a second later my mother came in the room with Clare behind her. They both looked beautiful. Before I could tell them how they looked Lily was already helping me up and started to undress me. Clare took the dress and they both helped me in. The corset was still killing me. They put me down on a chair, Lily doing my make-up and Clare doing my hair. When they were both done, they took the veil and put in my hair. Lily was putting on my shoes and then she took the neckless from Thomas. She put it around my neck and made sure it was right. Clare gave my bouquet with white roses so I knew my father was with me too.

The wedding was in the castle so only the guests needed to be here. Lily and Clare showed us were we needed to be and told us what to do. When we were ready they went into the room to tell everyone were ready. The doors open and Nova went in with her cute little basket full with rose petals.

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now