Part 6

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POV: Alice

I woke up again by my sister jumping up and down my bed, with her doll Rose in her left hand. I lauged and she jumped into my arms. "Goodmorning to you too." I said while hugging her really tight, she just giggled, she got off the bed and walked towards the kitchen.

I got out of my bed and got redy for the day. I brushed my hair and teeth, I put on my white blouse, a long light blue skirt and my old shoes. I saw my mother and sister seating at the kitchen table when I walked in. I wanted to join them but before I could sit down someone knocked on the door. I looked confussed at my mother we normally don't get visitors. I walked carefully to the door and slowly opened it. I was shocked when I saw two armored guards from the royal family standing infront of me. "Can we come in?" One of them said, I nodded and stepped aside so the could come in. They looked around and then one of them turned to me. "Are you Alice?" He asked, I was shocked again and didn't know what to do. How did he knew my name? I just nodded was afraid of saying something. I got something from his pocket and handed it to me. It was a letter so I carefully opened it affaird of what could be inside. I took the letter and read it out loud so my mother and sister could hear it too.

Dear Alice,

With this letter I would like to invite you to our royal ball tonight. I'd also like you to stay here after the ball. You don't have to worry about a dress we have enough.

Hopefully I see you tonight,

Prince Thomas.

Why would he want me to come to a royal ball? How did he even know me? I was shocked and so were my sister and mother.

"I'm sorry but I'm not coming." I said politely to the guard who gave me the letter. I heard stories about him, that he is rude and mean towards others, do you really think I want to go? "I'm sorry miss but I'm afraid you don't have a choice. It's an order from the prince that you have to follow. So like it or not you are coming with us to the castle." He said, I could see in his eyes that he didn't like it either.

I just stared at him frozen.

After silence I finally spoke. "How long will I stay there?" I asked even though I didn't want to hear the answer. "I don't know, the prince will decide that. So I would get your stuff, say goodbye to you family and come with us." He said trying to put on a pokerface but his eyes told my he didn't want to do this. A tear fell on my cheek and I walked to my room. Both my sister and mother were frozen sadness writen on their faces.

In my room I took a letter from my father and a neckless. It was a wooden rose that my father made me when I was 7, he put a string through it so I could wear it as a neckless.

I walked back to the kitchen and hugged my mother really tight I didn't want to let go. She looked me in the eyes she was crying. "Take care of yourself." She said, I nodded and hugged her again. When I let go she gave me a kiss on my forehead. I walked towards my little sister and I crouched down so she could look down on me. She cried the most of us three. "I don't want you to go." She said, tears streaming down her face. "Shhh... It's okay... I'm gone miss you too but you need to take care of mother okay. Here." I said and gave her my neckless. She loved it and then she did something I had never expect she would do, she handed me her doll. "Are you sure?" I asked, she just nodded. "Yes I'm sure, so you can't forget me." She said. "How can I ever forget you?" I said back and give her the biggest hug ever.

I turned around to see the guards standing by the door. I walked outside and they followed me, two horses were standing there. My mother and sister walked also outside. The guards were getting on their horses. I gave my mother and sister both another hug and walked towards one of the horses. The guard gave me a hand that I toke and I climbed on the back of the horse. I sat behind the guard holding him tight around his middle and they went to the castle. I looked one last time behind me to see my mother and sister crying and waving goodbye. When I couldn't see them anymore I started to cry my eyes out. Will I see them again soon? What does prince Thomas want from me? And why me?

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now