Part 17

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POV: Alice
I woke up or actually I just came out of my bed because I haven't really slept that much. Tomorrow I get married to Thomas and I'm going to be the new queen. Can I do this? I'm starting to breath quickly and with short breaths. My heart is beating faster and I can't get air in my lungs. I started to get paniced and not knowing what to do. I walk around the room trying to breath but I can't. Then a knock on the door. I walked towards the door and opened it. Lily and Clare looked at me with wide eyes, me still trying to breath. Lily took my hand and sat me down on my bed. Clare took something like a bag and placed it infront of my mouth. I breathed in and out in the bag. After a couple minutes my breathing was normale again and I calmed down. "Thank you. How did you know what to do?" I asked the both of them. "Prince Thomas had some panic attacks after his mother died." Clare told me. Poor Thomas I can imagine how that must have felt like. When my father died I also had panic attacks.

"It's okay to have a panic attack. We understand it, after yesterday and tomorrow." Clare said and took both of my hands in hers and stroked the back of my hands with her thumbs. Lily was sitting next to me on my bed with her hand on my back. "You need to fit your dress today. So let's get you ready." Lily said and took me to my closet. She gave me a simple purple dress not much about it. I put it on and then followed Lily and Clare to another room.

We walked inside the room. It wasn't that big but also not to small. Almost every wall was covered with mirrors and the light was a soft yellow. The floors was a soft red carpet. In the middle of the room was a little podium with something on it. I couldn't see it because it was covered by a sort of white blanket. On the other side of the room was another door, I had no idea where that went. Lily and Clare both stood on one side of the podium and they had one hand on the blanket. "Your ready to see the dress?" Lily asked very excited. I just nodded and that was when they took off the white blanket. Infront of me was mannequin with a beautiful big white wedding dress. I couldn't discribe it so beautiful.

Lily took my hand while Clare took the dress off of the mannequin. Lily took me to the door on the other side of the room and opened it. It was and other room not that fancy or anything. Just a red carpet and wooden walls. Clare came in with the dress and started to get me in the dress.

After some time I was finally in the dress and again I can't breath! I still haven't lose enough weight yet. We got to the other room again and I was shocked when I saw her.

The queen.

She was smiling and looking very happy. I don't know why!
I walked to the podium and looked in the mirror. Lily had a veil in her hand and Clare put my hair into a bun. Lily made sure the veil looked right and then Clare put on my heels. The queen was looking the whole time and it made me very nervous. Lily and Clare stood aside and watched me strictly, not wanting anything off.

The queen stood infront of me now. "You look beautiful my child." She said and I was getting more and more scared. "Girls, tomorrow you do her hair different. The jewelry needs to be perfect and her make-up too. If not! I will blame you two." She said and I could see the two girls getting scared. "Now let me talk alone with the bride to be." She said, I looked at the girls with the face 'please stay!' but they went to the room where they changed me. Now it was just me and the queen.

"How are you feeling?" She asked with a smile on her face. I don't know if that was a fake smile or a real one. "I'm kinda nervous." I answered looking at the ground and playing with my fingers. "Are you hungry?" She asked and the smile turned into an evil smile. My heart started to beat faster what if I answer wrong. "Yes, ma'am." I said, I can't lie. She chuggled a little and walked around me to my back. She started to play with my hair and took it out of the bun making my hair to fall on my shoulders. My heart beating more and more, my breathing shorter. "Good, because that means you lose weight. Let's see how much you already lost." She said and her hands put away my veil and went to my corset. She pulled on the strings making the corset more tighter then it already was. I was catching for air wanting to breath but I couldn't. "Not enough, I see." She said and released the strings. I gasped for air and fell on my knees and hands, breathing heavy. She walked to me and hold my chin in her hand. "You need to lose more wait soon." She said strictly her eyes were on fire, then left the room.

The girls walked back in and helped me stand up. "Not to sound rude or anything but we heard your conversation." Lily said with a concerned and sad look in her voice and face. "When is the last time you ate?" Clare asked also with a concerned face. "Two days ago." I said quite and embarrassed. The two girls eyes widened. "I get you some food right now!" Lily said and wanted to walk away but I stopped her. I told her everything about the queen and that she threating me. "You can't tell anyone and aspecialy not Thomas." I said with a helpless look. They knew I can't stop the queen and I had to do what she said so they did nothing. They looked sad at me and hugged me tight, we were all praying everything would end up alright.         

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now