Part 10

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POV: Alice

I walked on a balcony and stopped to look in the room, everyone was looking at me. Anxiety came in a second, I took once again a deep breath before walking down the stairs. I saw people making a path through the crowd for a young men, he had diry blonde hair and for I could see dark brown eyes. He was wearing, black leather jeans, a beautiful jacked with a lot of golden details on it, black leather boots and he had a sword around his middle. That has to be prince Thomas. I was walking down the stairs and he was waiting down the stairs for me. I took my time and kept my head high. When I reach the last step I stood infront of him and made a cursty, he bowed and offered me a hand. I took his hand and he kissed the back of mine, I smiled when he did that. He leads me to the middle of the room. "You look beautiful, my love." He whispered in my ear while we walked. Not knowing how to answer I just smiled. When we reach the center of the room, he turned towards me. "May I have this dance." He asked and bowed for me, I leaned in a little forward so only he could hear me. "I don't know how." I whispered a little embarrassed, he respond with a little chuckle. "Don't worry love, just follow my steps." He said and placed his right hand on my hip and the other in my hand. I placed my right hand on his neck and the other in his hand. The orchestra started to play a beautiful song, Thomas and I started to walz around the room and people were making place for us. "They all staring at us." I whispered so soft only he could hear it, again he chuckle. "They're not looking at us but at you." He said, that took my anxiety level higher then it already was. We kept walzing through the whole room and it felt like I was flying. I don't even know if it looked good but I didn't care I just loved the feeling. He was a very good dancer and he made me feel like I was importent at that moment.

When the music slowly stopped he twirled me one last time and then stood infront of me again. He bowed and a made a deep cursty again, with my right hand on my heart. I was sad that it was over it felt amazing. I stood straight again and everyone started clapping. Prince Thomas give me a hand and I took it with a smile. "There are some people I would like you to meet." He whispered in my ear. I still had no idea why me but you can't say no to a prince. He took my hand and dragged me towards two thrones with a men and woman on it. They both looked beautiful and very importent. "Alice meet my father King Edward and my stepmother Queen Helena." Thomas said, I was so shooked I immediately made a cursty and looked to the ground. "It is an honor to meet you, your highness." I said with a shaky voice. I looked up from the ground and the king was smiling at me, he made a sign that I had to stand up straight so I did. "It's nice to meet you too." He answered, I was feeling a little scared and uncomfortable. Thomas smiled and looked at me, it was like he could read me right away because he took my hand to make sure I was alright. "Father, I think Alice and I are going to make a little walk in the garden." Thomas said and the king nodded with a smile. We walked away from the ball room and walked through a door, what I saw was a dark but still beautiful garden. It had a fountain in the middle of the path and on the end of it was a little round pavilion.

He took me hand a lead me towards the gazebo, there were banks so we sat down. I was so amazed by the beautiful garden and gazebo that I didn't notice at first. Thomas staring at me. I looked at him and our eyes met, he had beautiful brown eyes you can drown in them. I looked away quick and stared at the little fountain. "So, why me?" I asked to kill the silence, I looked back at him and he looked confussed. "Why am I here? How do you know me? Why inviting me?" I said making things clear for him, he was more shocked now but he cleared his throat. "I saw you once by the lake on my way to the castle and fell in love with your voice and beauty. I came by the next day and that was when that little girl said your name. I couln't stop thinking about you so I needed to know you better. That's why your here and how I know you." He said holding both of my hands and rubbed the back with his thumb. 'He saw me by the lake? Stalker!' I thought. "Who was that little girl with you by the lake?" Thomas asked, killing the silence. "My little sister Nova, I live with my mother and her in an old farm house." I told him not wanting to look in his eyes again because I'm affraid. "What about your father?" He asked all innocent trying to get eye contact. "He died when my sister got born, I was 8. He was sick and couldn't survive it, he said his goodbyes and two days after my sister was born he died. My mother and I decided to move here and let the memories behind." A tear escaped my eye and Thomas whiped it away with his thumb. I looked in his eyes again and he looked sad just like me. "I know how you feel, I lost my mom when I was 17. I was never the same again." He said and I was still looking in his eyes. It's weird I never thought Thomas was this kind, everyone in my village told me he was very rude and mean but he is actually very sweet. We had something in common.

The door was still open and you could hear the music playing from inside. Thomas stood up and offered me his hand again, I took it and he pulled me on my feet. We slow danced on the music from inside, it was like a fairytale.

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficWhere stories live. Discover now