part 2

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POV: Alice
I made sure all the doors were close from the animals so they couldn't escape. I took my wooden buckets and went to the lake near by our village. It's only a 20 minute walk. When I go to the lake I always like to think about everything and nothing. Walking through the woods is so peaceful especially when your hear the birds sing their favorite song.

I sing a little lullaby when I walked to the lake. I remember my father singing it to me before I go to sleep. It's one of my favorite things to remember. I always sing it to Nova when she is going to sleep.

After 20 minutes I finally reached the lake. I sat down on the ground and took of my shoes. I walked towards the lake and put my feet in it. The water was cold but it didn't bother me it was even nice. I took the buckets and let them fill with water. When they we're full I put them back on land and stayed a little long with my feet in the water. I started to sing again. I just love singing I don't know why. I closed my eyes and got taken away by the feeling of the water and the singing birds.

After 10 minutes of some quite time I got back and trying not to let water fall out of the buckets.

I got home safe and well with all the water still in the buckets. I walked towards my mother in the garden, she was teaching my sister about different plants and how to make them grow. Nova was trying to focus on what my mother told her, it looked so adorable.

I started to water the plants slowly and try to give each plant as much water as the other. Last year our plants didn't do so well, so we had less food. We're hoping that this year it is going better so we have food on the table.

Nova run towards me and hugged me. She had her doll with her. "I named her Rose, because that's your favorite flower and also my favorite." She said while holding the doll in front of me. I smiled and loved that she named her doll after something I love. "That's a beautiful name." I said to her and watched how she smiled and run away to play with her new doll.

"She loves that doll." My mother said and walked closer to me. "She didn't let it go for a second today." She laughed and looked at me. "I'm glade she likes it. I put a lot of time to make that thing." I laughed too and started to work in the garden again, and so did my mother.

The sun was burning on my back and sweat was dripping on my forehead. I was done with the garden today and start making my way to the kitchen inside. I took the meat and potatoes my mother bought today and got to work.

After 20 minutes I was done cooking and the food was ready. My mother, sister and I sat on the table and started eating.

Time flew by before I knew it, it was already time for Nova to go to bed. She hugged and kissed our mother goodnight and went to her bedroom I followed. I put a candle on her little wooden nightstand and she dresses herself for bed. When she was done she got in her bed, I sat right next to her on a little wooden chair. "Did you have a fun birthday?" I asked her with a little smile. She just nodded heavily and smiled from ear to ear. I smiled back and was stroking her hair softly. I started to sing the lullaby from my father and how more I sang how quicker she fell deeper and deeper into sleep. When she was sleeping I kissed her forehead, blew out the candle and walked out of the room. I sit with my mother and talk for a while then it was time for me to go to bed.

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن