part 3

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POV: Thomas
I was riding my horse together with my two guards. We were racing and see who's horse is faster, mine always won of course.

I have the fastest horse from the whole kingdom. She is a beauty, I call her daisy because that's my mother's name.

I like to ride through the woods it's so peaceful and quite. I don't care that I have two guards with me, sometimes they even ride a little behind my so I think I'm alone.
Just riding makes my head clear and I can let go of my feeling and emotions.

We have been riding for an hour I think I always lose track at time when I'm riding. I just know we were riding for a long time. I saw a little Lake and decided to splash some water in my face.

I got of my horse, she started eating the grass on the side of the road. My guards stayed on there horse and were looking around for any danger. I walked towards the lake and filled my hands with water the splashed in my face.

When I wanted to stand up I heard someone singing, a sweet, beautiful lullaby. Then I saw her, long brown hair and I think green eyes, she's beautiful. I hide behind a bush so I hope she couldn't see me. She took of her shoes and put her feet in the lake she took two buckets and filled them up. She put the buckets back on land and stayed in the water. She was singing again I never heard someone sing like that.

It's weird I never saw her I always takes this path. Maybe it's because I always come here in the afternoon. If it wasn't for my stupid stepmother and father I was going in the afternoon again but they needed to talk to me so I went earlier. Well I'm kinda glade they wanted to talk to me or else I'd never saw her.

She stopped singing and put on her shoes again. With the two filled buckets she went back to were she came from.
I got back to my horse and climbed on her back and we headed back home.

The castle is really big and also very beautiful. Around the castle are big walls to spilt the castle with the city around it. The more richer people live the there. I never went into the city sinds my mother died so I don't really know how the people live there but I don't really care, right now I need to find out who that girl is by the lake.

After a 2 hour ride me and the guards came back home. I gave my horse to the stable boy and went straight to my room to get myself cleaned up.

A minute later someone knocked on my door. "Come in!" I yelled, one of my maids walked in and bowed for me. "What's going on?" I asked her, she looked at me and stood up straight again. "The king wants to see you in his office." And with that she bowed again and left.

I walked towards my father's office, it took a while to get there the castle is pretty big. When I got there I knocked on the door. "Come in!" My father yelled, I opened the door to see him sitting behind his desk and my stepmother standing behind him. My father has gray hair, brown eyes and is fat. My stepmother is super thin, with brown eyes, hair and she wore a red gold dress. I sat down infront of my father on the other side of the desk.

He sight and put his hands on the desk. "You stepmother and I have been talking." He started, I hate my stepmother and she hates me so this can never be good. "We think it's time for you to get married." He continued, I listened not wanting to hear anything else. "So we invited some princesses from around the world. And you are going to decide which one you marry." I couldn't believe it. I started to get angry. "No! You and I made a deal! I could decide who I marry and when! You said that you wanted me to find my true love like you did with mother!" I said still calm, I looked at my father and then my stepmother she is smiling evil. Her evil smile made my blood boil inside me. My father stood up and spoke again. "I know I said that, but we have no choice." "No! We do have a choice, MY choice!" I also stood up, I was angry now, why would father do this to me. I think my stepmother talked to him about it. "We don't have a choice. You need to marry to take the crown." I got confused it will be years before I take over the crown, I frown I sat down again. "What do mean? What's going on?" I started to get scared now, what is he not telling me. "The doctor came today. I don't have much time anymore." He said while sitting down, I was shocked a tear fell on my cheek. I stood up and walked to my father to give him a hug. When he hugged me I couldn't help it and tears were now streaming down my face.

After a minute we parted. "How long do you have?" He looked deep in my puff and red eyes. "The doctor told me two months of I'm lucky maybe three. You need to find a bride and marry her in less then a month." He said while cupping my cheeks in his hands. Tears were still falling on my face. "I already found a beautiful girl, throw a ball and I invite her. She can stay in the castle for as long as needed." My father looked me in the eyes with a questionable look. "Does she love you?" He asked me. I never really met her but I can know her if she stays here. "She will." I said with confident. He looked at my stepmother and then back at me and nodded. 

I stayed with my father for the rest of the day. I already lost my mother and now my father is dying. Can my life get any worse?

Once upon a time / Thomas brodie sangster fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum