Part 7

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When we arrived at the castle I was still crying. I got of the horse so did the guard he gave the horse to a stable boy and walked towards a men. I followed him didn't know what else to do. "This is miss Alice." The guard set and gestured to me, I stood there really uncomfortable. The men give a quike nod to the guard and walked towards me. "Miss Alice, nice to meet you. I'm the butler around here, I will take you to your room." I smiled friendly, I just stayed quite. He walked towards two big wooden doors with little doors inside them just big enough for a human to walk inside. He opened the little one and walked inside and followed.

Long corridors with a lot of doors. What could you possible have in this castle? When we stopped at two doors he opened them and made a gesture to walk inside. It was a beautiful big room, it had a big four poster bed on one side, A beautiful bay windows with white curtains and you look out to an amazing big garden, a really big closet on the other side from the bed, it also had a wooden desk and another desk with a mirror on it I guess for make-up. Everything was just amazing but I still was sad about leaving my mother and sister. When the doors closed behind me I run towards the bed and cried for a long time. I took the doll from Nova and laid it down in the pillow, then I took my fathers letter and hold it to my heart. "Please father, help me I don't want to be here. I wanna be home with mother and Nova." I cried more and more and then someone knocked on the doors. I wiped away my tears and put the letter on my nightstand. "Come in!" I said trying to sound okay but my voice was shaking. Two girl came in and bowed for me, why are they doing that? "Miss Alice, we're your maids and we are going to help you for tonight." One girl said, she had blonde hair and blue eyes she looked beautiful. The other girl had a darker skin colour with brown hair and eyes she is also beautiful. "You don't have to bow for me and please just say Alice, not miss or anything." I told them, I don't like that stuff it makes me feel like I'm higher then someone else. 

"Have you been crying?" The blonde girl asked, well maybe I have tried to wipe my tears away but my puffy red eyes betrayed me. I didn't answer why would I? I don't even want to be here. The blonde girl slowly walked to me and sat beside me on the bed, she laid her hand on my back to comfort me. "Why are you crying?" She asked, doesn't she know I had to leave my family behind? "I had to leave my mother and sister. I just missed them already." I said to them, now also the darker girl walked towards me. "You are going to like it here, we promise." She said and also tried to comfort me. I just smiled at them they were really nice to me. "What are your names?" I asked them and they looked kinda shocked. "No one ever asked us that. My name is Lily." The girl with the blonde hair said. "My name is Clare." The darker girl said. Never asked before how do they call them then? Are all the people here rude?

"Come on, let's get you ready for a ball." Lily said and helped me stand up. They both walked around me and looked very serious at me. "Okay, first you need a bath to relax a little. Then we're gone pick you ball gown. At last we're doing your make-up and jewelry." Clare told me, why was I'm still kinda scared here?

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