Chapter 35

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It's hard to type with a kitten attacking your hand)

"Poe Poe! Wake up!" Ranpo says cheerily, shaking the boy that was half way in his lap.

Yosano f I n a l l y texted him with the results of the contest.

They had made it in 1st place! (Surprise surprise) Which obviously wasn't that much of a surprise to Ranpo, because well he was Ranpo. Ranpo wanted to tell Poe right away because he knew it would make him happy

Poe groans as he slowly wakes up, smiling face slightly seeing Ranpo so happy as he practically bounced as he sat.

Poe sits up- finding resting on a bouncing boys lap uncomfortable as he rubbed his eyes

"Yeah? What is it?" Poe questions, looking up to Ranpo who had stopped his movements for a moment to admire Poes eyes.

He snaps out of it as Poe quickly covered them up again- to his disappointment.

"Poe we did it! We got first place!" Ranpo says cheerfully and after a moment to process the words Poe jumps on Ranpo, hugging him.

They were going to be publishing a book,, together! This was really happening

Poe pulled back as Ranpo reaches one of his hands up to move Poes hair out of his face. They lock eyes for a moment and before anything else was said Poe leans forward, kissing Ranpo.

Ranpo grins into the kiss, happily kissing back as he tightened his grip on him.

In that moment, everything felt right.

And perhaps it was because it was. The two had each other and it felt like the world revolved around them just then. It felt...nice. And Poe wished it would last forever

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