Chapter 6

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"Yeah, I'm so glad today is over so that-"kenji was talking, but Ranpo wasn't really listening to blonde.

It was the end of the day- finally- and they were walking out of the school.

Ranpo nods his head as if he were listening before he spots Poe up ahead, walking across the street.

"Hang on, I gotta go" Ranpo says before skipping off, leaving behind a confused friend.

"Wait Ranpo-.... where is he going?" Kenji says, turning to Yosano who only shrugs in response.

"Poe!!" Ranpo says happily, catching up to the taller boy and reaching his hand up to wrap around his neck.

Poe jumps slightly, not expecting the shout and suddenly being touched. He turns to look at the person and his eyes widen

"R-Ranpo-? Why are you-"

"I wanted to talk about the project!"

Oh yes- the project- of course

"I could of texted you later about it..." Poe mutters, remembering the napkin he had stuffed in his book bag from lunch.

"Well yeah but why not get a head-start now? Are you busy? We can go to a café!" Ranpo suggests, moving his hands off Poe as he walks beside him.

"Um- sorry but I have to go home." Poe answers, not wanting to be away from Karl any longer.

"Hmm~ alright!" Ranpo says, thinking for a moment before continuing "how about we work on it tomorrow at your house? Sense you sound like you're going to be busy tonight!"

Poe wasn't going to be busy tonight. However doing it tomorrow instead of tonight sounded good.

Poe knew he couldn't put off working with the boy forever.

"Alright" Poe says, then stops walking as they reached his house.

"Great! See you then" Ranpo says humming as he watched Poe walk inside his house.

Ranpo paused for a moment, turning on his heels as he looked around.

Great, now he was lost.

Despite living in this place most his life he still barley knew his way around. He hadn't really cared to learn all that much.

He skips down the road and pulls out his phone to call one of his friends to come get him.

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