Chapter 33

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(It's now the end of the week in the story)

(I just realized sometimes I make writing class before lunch and other times after so let's just say their schedule alternates it and what not- it's a fanfic shhh so it uh- works)

Happy pride month btw loves <3)

Poe was nervous, it was now the end of the week and the day Kunikida would announce if they had made it to the top three in the contest.

On top of that Ranpo didn't mention the date thing again and Poe was starting to question if it was all in his head.

Ranpo wouldn't like him like that...he was probably just teasing.

He had barely focused at all in any of his classes and even now in lunch he hardly focused to anything or anyone.

"He looks like he's moments away from a mental breakdown- and he looks like he hasn't got a wink of sleep all week" yosano says, leaning over to Ranpo as they look over to where Poe was sitting.

Ranpo looks over to Poe, tilting his head as he tried to think of an idea to help his dear friend.

"Hey yosano?" Ranpo asks, a plan forming in his head.

~small time skip~

"Poe!" Ranpo shouts, running over to Poe and pointing to him.

"Let's go out" Ranpo says, pointing at him for a moment longer before putting his hand down.

"What do you mean go out Ranpo? It's the middle of the school day- and plus that today is the day we-" Poe says but what do you know- he gets cut off

"You talk to much sometimes. Just come on, we can skip! There's this new mystery movie that came out and I heard it was really good!" Ranpo urges.

"Ranpo no- besides I don't think I'll be able to focus on it"

"Poe come on, you need this. It wouldn't be healthy to sit through the rest of classes just waiting for the answer. And I told Yosano to call me later tonight to tell me if we did or not so don't worry about that" Ranpo says then silence follows after for a moment.

Ranpo was right after all. If Poe had no distraction the answer from writing class would all that would be on his mind. Karl jumps off of Poe, jumping onto Ranpos shoulders as if telling Poe to go with him.

"You're right- I'll go"

"I'm always right. And okay! It's a date!" Ranpo says, reaching out to grab Poes hand as he starts to pull him out of the cafeteria and out of the school.

It was a date? Was it a date?

Poe knew sometimes friends would say that if they made plans for a certain day-

Ranpo sure did confuse Poe sometimes. (Or Poe was just sorta dense) But obviously he met it was a friend thing. It wouldn't make sense if he didn't-

But then again... when he was drunk and when he- Poe wanted to know exactly how Ranpo felt.


"Hm?" Ranpo asks, stopping as they now stood outside the school

Poe grits his teeth, his finger nails digging into his palm again- as it always does when he gets to nervous.

"Ranpo please... Do you-"

"Poe stop, let's just enjoy this movie and then after we can talk" Ranpo says, moving close to his friend and taking his hand in his to stop himself from digging into his skin farther. He'd rather not have Poe stressing himself out even more at the moment.

Poe takes a breath to calm himself, Ranpo being this close to him now seeming to calm his nerves.

"Okay..." Poe mutters, pushing his thoughts and questions to the side for now. It was a bit irritating to do, but it's what Ranpo asked of him.

Writing Class (Ranpoe)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن