Chapter 25

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((A/N- if you're reading this you're very handsome/ pretty okay ty and enjoy))

"Poe! Let's go on that one" Ranpo says excitedly, pointing at a roller coaster that had a huge drop.

Poe felt nerves eating him up from inside his stomach.

"How about we stick to rides to the ground?" Poe says, uneasy at the thought of heights.

"What? That's lame. What are you afraid of heights?" Ranpo asks with a small smirk- making Poe flustered.

"W-what no! I'm no such thing...."

The two had a mini staring contest before a sudden thought crossed Poes mind

"If you make me go onto any high rides I'll take off the hair clips" he challenged, proud of himself.

Ranpo hums with a frown, looking over Poe before dragging him off to bumper carts.

After an hour or so of going onto rides- mostly Ranpo choosing them as he held Poes hand and lead him to them- not that Poe minded, the teens decided to take a break.

Ranpo decided to grab some fried dough for himself. He had covered it with powdered sugar, sugar and brown sugar. He nearly drooled at how good it looked.

He had also grabbed some cotton candy, it wouldn't be a fair without any after all.

Poe worried slightly for Ranpos health- as he never really saw the boy eat anything but snacks or sweets.

Poe had settled on getting a pretzel and a fountain drink. The two take a seat at a picnic table, across from one another.

"Here! Have some" Ranpo says, shoving some cotton candy into Poes hand.

Poe almost denied it- but realized it was Ranpo offering it to him.

Ranpo had never offered his snacks to anyone (besides Karl, but Ranpo put a strict limit on how much he could take)

Poe had also witness someone trying to steal Ranpos snacks from him- needless to say the person got knocked out and Ranpo got his snacks back.

"Thanks" Poe says instead of saying he didn't like sweets to much. He takes it, putting some into his mouth.

He hums slightly as he looked back to Ranpo, who was focused on his snacks.

"Did I just witness that?" Yosano asks, coming up to the two boys as she sat beside Ranpo.

"Witness what?" Ranpo asks her, tilting his head.

"Nothing nothing...anyways how is the date going?" Yosano asks as Poe nearly chokes on his food.

"Date?? No- were not on a date" Poe defends as Ranpo says "it's going great!" (Teasingly) at the same time.

Poes face heats up in embarrassment- his ears and cheeks tinting red as he shakes his head.

Yosano laughs at them before she says

"Are you sure it's not a date? I saw you two holding hands"

"Ranpo didn't want me to get lost" Poe says, getting a bit frustrated as he digs his nails into his palm.

"Sure- sure- I'll leave you two to it" she says before waving and walking off- leaving the boys alone again.

Ranpo hums as he starts to swing his feet slightly and Poe felt his appetite disappear as his stomach churned

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