Chapter 28

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(And this is where I started to realize I wasn't sure where I was going w/ this and where I started to loose motivation but hey- <3

I personally feel like chapters past this point seemed rushed because I wanted to give it some sort of ending (or else I knew I wasn't going to give it any) and I wasn't sure what to do so I apologize)

Ranpo was the first to wake up, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before looking around.

It was rather blurry- he looks to the side and leans over Poes sleeping body to grab his glasses to slip onto his face.

Once he adjusts them he stands out of bed and grins, starting to try and wake Poe.

"Poe! I'm bored, wake up" Ranpo says, shaking the boy. The raccoon wakes up from next to him as Ranpo shook Poe

It was a bit surprising neither of them had woke up when Ranpo got out of bed.

Poe hums, his eyes slowly opening as he looks to Ranpo who only grabbed his hand and started to pull him out of the room.

"Great! You're awake, let's make breakfast together and then we can work on our project!" Ranpo says cheerfully as Poe tried to wake himself up enough to process his words.

The two had worked on the book a lot- in fact they were only a week or two away from finishing it.

It had been around two or three months now after all and they had spent most of their time together because they were passionate about the book.

"What are we making?" Poe questions as Ranpo stops once they reach the kitchen- letting go of his hand after a moment.

"do you know how to make pancakes?" Ranpo questions, looking to Poe and tilting his head.

Karl followed the two, sitting on a counter in the kitchen.

~mini time skip~

"Haha- oops" Ranpo says, scratching the back of his head as Poe comes back from the bathroom- smelling something burning.

Ranpo said he could handle cooking the pancakes as Poe went to the bathroom- yet two burnt pancakes sat on a plate and another was burning in the pan.

"Perhaps- I should take over" Poe says, pushing Ranpo to the side gently as he sprays the pan to start cooking them instead.

Ranpo sits on the counter with Karl, watching Poe cook the pancakes.

After a few moments the two sat on the sofa with a movie on as they ate.

(They would work on their project after the movie/ eating)

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