Chapter 7

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A/N- Happy Easter if you celebrate and see this the day that I post it (Easter day obviously)

The next day was Saturday, great.

Poe sighs, running his hand through his hair as he stared down at his phone. It was a simple text.

'This is Poe, I was wondering what time would be good for you to meet up?'

Was it to formal? To informal? Should he add 'for the project'?

No- Ranpo would obviously know that's what it's for. It would be stupid to add that.

Poe sighs as anxiety and stress pull at him over the simple decision he had to make on weather he should send it or not.

Karl let's out a noise before jumping at his phone, in the process clicking the send button causing Poe to panic slightly.

"Karl!" Poe says in panic as he stares down at his phone, his raccoon climbing onto his shoulder as he sighs. was done now he supposed. He tried to relax himself as he reached up to pat Karl's head.

Poes phone chimed twice, almost immediately after his messaged had sent.

'Ohh hey! We can meet up at anytime! (◠︿◠)'

'I'll just need your address'

Poe nervously typed in his address before he set his phone back down, deciding not to mention a time and to let Ranpo decide when to come over.

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