Chapter 30

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(~Time skip, it's now the night before they get the results on who has the highest grade <3~)

"Ranpo- are you drunk?" Poe asks sleepily as he heard the boy trying to talk from the other side of the phone.

It was currently 2 something am in the morning and Poe had gotten a call from Ranpo- who hardly made any sense as he attempted to talk on the other end of the phone.

"..yeah~ Poe you're really cute and-" Ranpo starts but got cut off as someone took their phone

Hearing Ranpo say that sure woke Poe up as he sits up in his bed.

"Hello?" He questioned through the phone- wondering who on earth had taken it.

"Uh- yeah hi- Ranpo is pretty drunk. Is it alright if I drive him to yours? He seems insistent on seeing you and- Ranpo you've had enough!" The voice on the other side says- Poe hearing Ranpo protesting in the background.

"Yeah- bring him over" Poe says tiredly as he stands up to go to his living room to wait for him.

"Thank you" he hears before the call ends.


Eventually Atsushi (whom was called by Ranpo before Poe and had worriedly drive to his friends house to help-) drops Ranpo off at Poes house.

It takes three tries for Ranpo to open the door knob on Poes front door, he lets out a cheer as he does so before he closes it slowly.

"Ranpo, how much have you-" Poe starts but gets cut off as the shorter male tackled him.


(Poe sure does get cut off a lot)

Poe hugs Ranpo back- slightly worried at how tipsy he seemed.

He mutters some incoherent things before he moves back, thinking and slamming his fist down on his palm.

"Poe I like like you!" He declares suddenly.

"W-what- Ranpo I think you need to go to sleep you obviously had to much to drink and-"

He rambled but gets cut off once again as Ranpo pushes Poe on the couch and sits in his lap.

Both remind silent for a moment- Ranpo staring at Poe as Poe tries to look everywhere but at Ranpo.

Ranpo leans in slightly- hovering over Poes lips for a moment causing Poe to freeze.

"Hey Poe?" Ranpo mutters, Poe feeling his hot breath in his face- it briefly reminding him of the last time Ranpo was drunk with the kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah...?" Poe says shakily- feeling as if he couldn't breath.

"You should- we should go on a date" Ranpo mutters his words seeming to melt together as he tried to form the sentence.

Poes face heats up as he resisted the urge to push the other one off him.

He tries to push his thoughts away as he looked to Ranpo- only to see the boy had fallen asleep against him.

He looks down to Ranpo, moving his hair slightly and taking off his glasses as he sighs.

He stands up- struggling slightly because he was tired, as he carried Ranpo to his bed. He wasn't going to let him sleep on the couch this time

Especially if Ranpo found it uncomfortable

He sets Ranpo down on his bed, making sure he was under the blankets before leaving to get a pain killer and water to leave on the night stand.

He didn't get much sleep that night, despite being tired.

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