Chapter 12

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A/N- ppl are actually reading this and are commenting/voting and I just wanted to say I love you lol)

(The next day of school)

Ranpo stood excitedly by the front gates. Atsushi and Yosano standing by him, confused.

"Ranpo...what exactly are we waiting for?" Atsushi sweat drops, looking at his friend.

Normally they were inside the building and ranpo was alseep somewhere sense classes hadn't started yet.

Scratch that- he was normally sleeping somewhere in the school even if classes had started.

"You'll see! Or you won't,  you don't have to wait here with me Y'know?" Ranpo says

Yosano raises a brow and says "you seem excited, I'm not going anywhere. I'm curious now"

"Yeah I think I'm going to stay as well" Atsushi says, a bit curious as well.

Ranpo shrugs at the two before he turns and smiles widely, running over to Poe as he walked up to school

"Karl!" Ranpo says happily, seeing the raccoon wrapped around Poes shoulders.

Of course he was only excited to see the raccoon-

Poe had thought for a moment Ranpo was greeting him, but of course not. Not that it really bugged him.

"Huh!? He brought a raccoon- is that allowed-?" Atsushi mutters, looking at Karl- who was now in Ranpos hands.

"Oh, he's cute" Yosano says fondly, but keeps her distance incase it would bite her or something.

Ranpo hums happily as he focused on the raccoon, causing a bit of jealousy to bubble up in Poe.

Only because Karl wasn't with him of course.

Ranpo reaches up and puts Karl back on Poes shoulders before he says "I'm glad you really brought him Poe!"

Poes face flushes in slight embarrassment at how close Ranpo had got and what he had said.
(He's awkward <3)

He pushes Ranpo away from him before he coughs to compose himself "yeah- of course I did..." he says, mumbling about the threat he had received under his breath.

He had regretted mentioning the fact he wasn't good with romance writing and that he didn't like it. Ranpo seemed to have the power to make him open up some, despite him not wanting to.

It was annoying, and Poe could seriously not wait for this book to be done.

"Sense when did you two become buddy buddy?" Yosano asks, atsushi silently agreeing with her.

"Huh?" Ranpo asks, tilting his head and not understanding.

"Uh- we should get to class" Poe interrupts before Yosano or Atsushi could say anything more.

Ranpo huffs, wishing he could skip out. But he had to admit, he finally found a reason to be in class....Karl.

Ranpo found him adorable. Although the raccoon was starting to take to much of his snacks for his liking.

Perhaps that just meant he should start buying more though

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