Kakashi scoffed at the thought. "Tch, always needing someone to do something for you." He said quietly to himself.

But as he turned off Obito's lamp and gazed at his now peacefully resting form, he couldn't find it in himself to complain.


Obito woke up to the sun shining obnoxiously through his curtains, shining right in his face and making him groan as he slowly sat up.

Obito was a little discombobulated, blinking himself into consciousness as he tried to get his thoughts together.

Wait, wasn't he studying with Kakashi last night? How did he get into bed...?

Brushing the thought aside for the moment, Obito stretched and begrudgingly climbed out of bed, only to stop in his tracks when he spotted a folded paper on his nightstand.

Starting to wake up a bit, Obito grasped the folded piece of notebook paper and opened it.

He recognized Kakashi's stupid chicken scratch handwriting immediately, (Seriously, he's supposed to be a genius isn't he? Couldn't he at least learn how to write legibly?) and with a sigh he read the note.



You fell asleep while we were supposed to be studying, (idiot) so I left some notes and annotations for you.

You just have to find them. :)

-Sincerely, but not really, Hatake Kakashi


Obito narrowed his eyes at the piece of lined paper, torn between gratefulness for the notes and irritation that Kakashi had to make a game out of everything.

With a groan, Obito slipped all the way out of bed and started to get ready for the day.

Changing clothes, brushing his teeth, and futilely running a comb through his ever-unruly hair, Obito finally got to work on looking for those notes.

He checked the obvious places first: drawers, inside his books, on his desk, but he wasn't having any luck.

Obito then started checking everywhere else. Under his bed, in his closet, and the little shelves that he had holding trinkets he'd collected over time.

After having no luck, Obito started getting thorough, sifting through each page of the books on his desk, checking the insides of his shoes, the pockets of the clothes in his closet, but he still couldn't find anything.

Starting to get irritated, and a little desperate, Obito dropped himself into his desk chair with a sigh.

"Where the heck are these notes? I'm starting to think he was just pulling my leg." Obito muttered to himself, crossing his arms.

Biting his lip and thinking for a moment, Obito tried to think of places he hadn't yet searched, and places he would hide notes if he were an idiot with perfect test scores and dumb hair.

Blushing slightly at the mental image of Kakashi that appeared in his head, Obito shook off those thoughts and tried to get his mind back on finding the notes.

Reaching his arms out to stretch before he got back to it, Obito accidentally knocked over his lamp, and startling at the loud noise it made when it fell over, Obito quickly picked it up.

Though he found a little piece of paper, taped to the bottom of the lamp.

"Are you- Is this it? For real?" Obito asked himself after a moment, eyes widening as he found the notes by accident.

Pulling off the little piece of paper, Obito unfolded it and found exactly what he had been looking for—and a little more.

A full page of notes, annotations, and page numbers to refer to, Obito let out a relieved sigh.

Though he also saw some writing at the bottom. Another note, maybe?

With curious eyes, Obito read the words undoubtedly written by Kakashi.


Hey, just so you know, you're hot.

We should go out some time.


Eyes widening at the two sentences, Obito blushed furiously. Reading the words over a few times, as he tried to process the... confession?

Though there was more. An extra sentence a few lines under those two; and Obito steeled himself for what it might say.


Oh and also,

When you find this, if you found this (idiot) you're probably late.

-Sincerely, I guess, Hatake Kakashi


Deadpanning at Kakashi's unmistakable asshole nature, Obito glanced at his digital clock.

It was 10:00 AM, class started two hours ago.

Of course.

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