Sukea x Reader | NSFW | Headcanons

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Request: Can I request Sukea headcanons for him taking lewd and nudy pictures of his fem s/o? Thank you! Love your writing!

Warnings: Language, NSFW, mentions of masturbation, slight voyeurism


› So this could go two different ways: You either know that he's taking the pictures, or you don't

› If you know, then you'll be blushing the whole time, and Sukea would probably be teasing you as he snaps photo after photo, getting a shot from every angle

› He might give you some sort of reason, like that you'd be a lovely nude model, or he'd just outright tell you he wants the pictures for more... perverted purposes

› Either way he'd be complimenting you left and right, telling you how beautiful you are and how perfect your body is

› With all your blushing, and especially with the more... scandalous poses, he'd be very turned on afterwards, and you'd probably end up having soft sex, lots of praising

› If you didn't know he was taking the photos though, things would go much differently

› He'd be taking them just after you got out of the shower, or while you were getting dressed

› Or... if he was lucky enough to find you touching yourself

› He'd try to be as discreet as possible; with taking the pictures, with where he kept them, and when he used them

› And yes, more often than not, if you aren't around, then he'd use your pictures to masturbate to

› Seeing your perfect little body nude, it gets him off to think of using you as he bites his lip, squeezing his cock with the picture in his other hand

› It's just so hot, and you look so perfect, all naked and spread out, he can't help but want to capture the moment

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