Madara x Reader | Modern AU

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Request: hello! i was wondering if you could do a female!reader x orochimaru or madara? whichever of the two you prefer! scenario-wise, id be interested in a modern au where either works for madara/orochimaru or simply meet at a bar (or anything else you'd like to experiment with!). just no pet names, please.

Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol and intoxication


You sighed as you got home, kicking your shoes off and dropping yourself along with your things down onto your couch.

Laying face down in the cushions for a few moments wasn't as comfortable as you'd been hoping, and the exhaustion of your long day remained ever present in your being.

You could feel your muscles start to untense, but only slightly. They still felt locked in place by the invisible but powerful weight of all the stress bearing down on you.

Sitting up, you decided you needed a little help in easing your muscles.

Dragging yourself off the couch and into your kitchen, you searched for a drink to take the edge off.

Only finding cheap beer and milk, you narrowed your eyes at the options; unsatisfied with your findings.

You know what? I should go out. I deserve it. You thought to yourself.

You were going to get that drink you wanted.

Slipping your shoes back on and grabbing your things that you'd carelessly dropped onto the couch; you prepared to get in your car.


You did not intend to come back home sober; you might as well get an uber there so you don't have to pick up your car tomorrow.

As your evening plans started to become a reality, you smirked. It wasn't a good day, but you were gonna make it one.

Once your uber picked you up, you simply had them drive you to the closest bar.

Well, maybe not the closest. You wanted some quality, after all.

Thanking and tipping your driver, a nice lady wearing a hijab, you made your way into the bar.

Seeing most of the sleazy guys there... you weren't exactly regretting not changing out of your work clothes before coming.

Most of the booths were occupied, and there was a surprising amount of people there for a Wednesday night. But like any other night, you supposed they more or less needed the same thing you did.

A damn break.

Being on your own, you decided to take a seat at one of the bar stools. Next to a lady with very long, thick, black hair.

After sitting down, and ordering your drink of choice, you let your eyes fall on the lady again.

Though the longer you looked at her, you realized that it wasn't actually a woman.

The curve of their jawline and the slant of their eyes was unmistakable.

It was a man, and a rather handsome one, too.

His hair was very well kept and though he looked tired, his features were still dangerously attractive.

He was slumped slightly in his chair, looking exhausted as he took a sip from his glass.

Noticing your stare, his dark eyes met yours.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked, his voice low as he looked you up and down; though you weren't sure if his gaze was of attraction or contempt.

The Big Book of Naruto FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora