Kakuzu x Stressed!Reader

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Request: May i request kakuzu finding out his s/o kind of has a journal w a schedule for activities and at one point she scheduled a 3 hr mental break down time from 8 to 11 pm on sat, and sunday? Been going thru a bit and i have specifically set up an alarm between specific hours to have a breakdown time🥲😭

Warnings: Mentions of mental instability, slightly emotional


"Y/N... What the hell is this?"

You flinched as you entered the room, Kakuzu's tone sounded less than friendly, and you knew exactly what he was referring to.

"What are you t-talking about?" You asked, trying to play it off anyways.

With a sigh, Kakuzu flipped the notebook around so that you could see the contents of the page, even though you already knew what it said. You had written it yourself, after all.



Mental break down time:

8 - 11 pm


You swallowed heavily, looking away from him. "I... I don't know what you want me to say..."

Dropping the notebook carelessly, Kakuzu all but stomped over to you.

And when he reached for you, you flinched and shut your eyes, bracing for a hit, words of annoyance, anything.

But what came was a gentle stroking of your hair.

"I want you to tell me what's wrong. So that we can fix it."

Opening your eyes and seeing the genuine look of concern on Kakuzu's face had you glassy eyed.

And when you sniffled, he pulled you into his arms.

You sobbed.

"I- I'm sorry, Ka-Kakuzu. I've just been going through a l-l-lot lately." You stuttered, your vision blurry through your tears.

Kakuzu brought a hand up to run through your hair again, and you could tell he was trying to think of what to say.

"I... I know dear... but it will be okay. I'll be here for you... for as long as it takes..."

It sounded like he had to force the words out, but what you didn't know was that seeing you this way, it was hard for Kakuzu.

And you wouldn't see the tears that pricked at the corners of his eyes as he comforted you.

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