Pain x Clingy!Reader | Headcanons

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Request: may i please request pein/nagato with a fem s/o who's extremely clingy and touch-straved? she just really needs to feel loved and wanted at the end of the day. 😔✋

Warnings: None


« You're generally pretty professional, or at least you were before you got together with Pain.

« That being said, he was pretty surprised when he found out how clingy you were

« He supposed it made sense, being so stoic and professional all the time was bound to make someone crave a little reprieve

« Though he hadn't expected it, he didn't exactly hate it

« He did think it was slightly unbecoming of a god, but he didn't mind holding you close if it made you happy

« He would never do it when someone was watching though, and if you were in dire need of his touch then he would simply take you away

« He absolutely hates PDA, but he can't deny that he enjoys your touch when the two of you are alone

« Pain is a bit touch-starved himself, so holding you close after a particularly long day does a lot to soothe him

« If you catch him on a good day, (or a really bad one) Pain might let you be the big spoon, and hold him in your arms as you run your fingers through his hair

« He won't admit it, but he loves the feeling of your arms wrapped around him, it reassures Nagato that you are really there with him, and that you chose him

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