Kakashi x Reader | Cuddling

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Request: I would like you to join us Kakashi simps. Also, could you write cuddles with him? From his ANBU days. ❤️

Warnings: None


Kakashi had just gotten home, you knew as you heard the front door open in the other room, followed by shuffling as Kakashi removed his shoes and tried to get a little more comfortable.

You smiled to yourself, deciding to wait for him to come to you as you finished up the food you had been cooking.

Not a minute later, you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back against a warm chest.

Kakashi tucked his face into your neck, sighing as he relished in the feeling of you in his arms.

"I missed you baby..."

You giggled at Kakashi's muffled words. He hadn't been gone long, not even two days, but being apart from you for an extended period of time never failed to make Kakashi nervous.

"I missed you too, darling. Are you hungry?" You asked, putting your hands on top of Kakashi's as he stayed in his position behind you.

You could feel the fabric of Kakashi's mask move against your neck as he nodded, though before you could offer him something to eat he spoke up.

"The food looks great, but can we just...lay for a little bit? 'Wanna hold you..."

You resisted a blush at Kakashi's words, and nodded silently as you turned off the stove.

Without missing a beat, Kakashi picked you up bridal style and carried you to the couch. Setting you down and plopping down unceremoniously behind you as he got comfortable.

As quickly as he had removed them, Kakashi had his arms wrapped back around your torso, spooning you from behind.

You smiled and shifted a bit, getting comfy as Kakashi sighed. You could tell he had pulled his mask down from the lack of muffling.

"Mn, this is just what I needed..." He muttered, nosing your neck as you closed your eyes.

"What?" You smiled, "To lay down after your long mission?"

"Tch, no, Y/N." Kakashi tsked, as if the answer were obvious. "I needed you. To come home to you and just wrap my arms around you. I'd go on a thousand more missions if it meant I could come home to you every time."

Now blushing, you squirmed slightly in Kakashi's grasp. "O-Oh hush, you."

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