Madara x Reader | Modern AU

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Dear god, he had a sexy voice. You didn't have a voice kink but his voice might be enough to change that.

You didn't let any of your thoughts show on your face, let alone pass your lips as you brought your cup to your mouth.

"You have nice hair is all." You said simply, glancing down at your cup as you drank from it.

His eyes narrowed, as if he wasn't quite sure of your intentions.

"Hn, I know that." He said, and you got the feeling he was baiting you.

Trying to see what you would say, and how you would respond to his slightly arrogant words.

You hadn't really expected a positive reaction, from the looks of him. So you weren't surprised.

All you could do was shrug. "You asked." You said apathetically, waiting less than patiently for the alcohol to kick in as you shut your eyes.

He was attractive, but he seemed... what was the word?

Arrogant, pretentious... ?


Rolling your eyes at your own lewd thoughts, you downed the rest of your drink.

It had been way too long since you'd gotten some. No wonder such an asshole could get you going so easily.

You felt his eyes on the side of your face, but you ignored him as you ordered another drink.

And you may have been trying to impress him as you downed a particularly potent shot.

You were too prideful to look over and actually see if he had any sort of reaction, but you had clearly garnered attention from some of the other guys at the bar.

"Hey, beautiful."

A greasy looking guy leaned over you, invading your personal space and you had to force yourself to keep your lips from pulling back in disgust.

You only sighed, "What do you want, dude?"

"Ooh, feisty. I like it. Could I get you a drink?" He smirked, and this time you didn't stop yourself from making a face.

"I already have one, fuckface." You snarked, raising your glass in his face, "Bye now. You clearly just want to waste my time." You said.

Maybe you were being a little harsh, but you had a long day. The last thing you wanted right now was an ignorant man that could only think with his dick all over you.

With a curse, the guy left you. You must have hurt his ego.

"You aren't here for a man, then?"

The deep voice nearly startled you, but you managed to contain your flinch as you looked back to the man next to you.

"Tch. Some seedy man is the last thing I need right now. I just came for a drink." You said rudely, but that's the way you felt.

You wouldn't have even left your house if you had sufficient alcohol there.

You were starting to think that just going to the liquor store would have been a better idea.

The guy looked like he had something to say, but he was interrupted as a woman wrapped her arms around him, forcing his body to lean forward as his dark hair swayed with the movement.

The way the woman was angled, she couldn't quite see his expression, but he looked ready to murder her.

"Heeey! You are so hot. You know that? I'd love to have some fun with you~!" She sang, clearly drunk if her flushed cheeks and wobbly but bubbly demeanor were anything to go by.

She was wearing a lot of makeup, but it looked slightly crooked. Like she tried to reapply after shooting whiskey or something.

He shoved the woman off, not hard enough to really hurt her, but enough to get her off him and get the idea across.

"Not. Interested. Woman." He seethed, and the way he said woman almost sounded derogatory. Like being a lady was an insult in itself.

What a dick.

A hot one, though.

With a huff, the woman sauntered off; looking for fun with a more desperate guy.

"You aren't here for a woman, then?" You mocked, sipping from your cup as you gave him the side eye.

He narrowed his eyes at you, and looked back to his cup; as if he was disinterested in the conversation.

"No, not necessarily. Though I would be much more open to advances if they weren't from drunken idiots. Or just cretins, in general." He said, looking away from you as he spoke.

Furrowing your eyebrows at his words, you felt like he might have been suggesting something. You didn't want to appear presumptuous though, so you just finished your drink.

You were buzzed, hardly drunk, but you decided that you'd had your fill. And without further ado you slapped a few bills on the counter and grabbed your bag.

Noticing you were getting your things together, Madara raised a brow.

"Leaving already?"

Hardly glancing back at him, you sighed. "I got what I came for. No reason to linger around."

It's a shame though, he is very hot.

You narrowed your eyes at your thoughts, but you were stopped from leaving yet again by the man.

"What is your name?"

Slightly surprised, your expression glazed slightly as you adjusted your jacket, debating on whether or not to give this stranger your name.

With a shrug, you spoke. "Y/N. You?"

The man only hummed, "You'll find out soon enough."

"Whatever you say, man"

Only slightly creeped out, you finally left, dialing an uber so that you could get home.

As your driver arrived, and you sat down in the back, you saw something poking out of your bag.

It was a little piece of paper, with two words and a 10 digit number.


Uchiha Madara

(***) ***-****


With a smirk, you put the number into your phone.

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