First Year in the Job

Start from the beginning

"You can handle that cant you Dupont?" Snape said, a scowl on his face. 

"I can, and I will." I said, taking a seat next to her. 

"Do not make contact with her, or the cot, under any circumstances" McGonagall said before rushing to talk with the other professors. Katie lay unconscious on the hospital bed, her face extremely pale, the memories of us flooding back into my mind.

"Katie, if you can hear me, its Arabella, your old roommate. Hang in there" I said, understanding it wont do much, but feeling as if its worth a shot. 

"Arabella? We've figured it out, you can head back to your quarters now if you'd like" McGonagall said, obviously needing my presence gone. 


The air was cold on my legs, the professional robes I had on swaying in the wind of the astronomy tower. My hand over my mouth, trying not to make a noise. Harry and I one story down from the scene that would send the wizarding world into shock. 

"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you" Dumbledore said, his long grey hair flowing dramatically. 

"I dont want your help, dont you understand!" Draco snapped, his wand pointed straight at the headmasters head, "I have to do this! I have to kill you, or hes gonna kill me." 

Footsteps sounded from the other side of the astronomy tower, Harry inching closer to the crack in the floorboards. 3 figures appearing out from the shadows, staring straight at Dumbledore. 

"Well, look what we have here." a voice said, sending shivers down my spine. Without looking I knew, my mother was at Hogwarts. Harry turned to me, a worrisome look on his face. 

"Well done Draco, my marvelous apprentice." She said

"Apprentice-" I whispered before getting  a glare from Potter.

"Good evening Toussaint, I think catching up is in order"

"Love to, you old bat, but were on a tight schedule here. Do it boy." She said 

"He doesnt have the stomach, just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way" Greyback said, snarling his teeth. 

"No you animal, the Dark Lord was clear. The boy is to do it, prove his worth to the cause." She snapped, "This is your moment, do it"

"Go on Draco" Greyback said

"Now!" My mother snapped once again

"No," Snape said, stepping in onto the platform

"Severus, please." Dumbledore said calmly

"Avada Kedavra" Snape said, swishing his wand at the headmaster, pushing him from the tower. Harrys breath hitched next to me, his eyes swelling. Grabbing his arm, I pulled him down the staircase. 

"Arabella, Arabella, hes- hes dead" Harry managed to spit out once we were to safety. 

"I know, take your time, but I have to alert McGonagall. Ill be back as soon as possible." I said, hustling out.

Later that night, the students and staff gathered in the courtyard. Dumbledore's body cold and lifeless on the pavement. Harry weeping over his body, McGonagall turned to me, a look of fear on her face. 

"The history of this school is in grave danger" She said, the look of fear changing to sorrow. Lifting her wand to the sky, the students and staff held up their wands in honor of our fallen professor. 

JULY 1ST - the last day of term

The train ride back to Grimmauld place was the longest train ride I think I ever experienced, even with taking a nap, reading, and catching up on the news. 

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