Not a fan of yelling (Jack & Tubbo)

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Request by get_ranboozled

Little: Jack Manifold (2-5) CG: Tubbo

Warnings! Yelling, panicking

Plot: Tommy and Jack have a huge fight about who's the hotel is and Tommy ends up saying something really hurtful, wich makes Jack slip and then Tubbo takes care of him.

A/N: I don't like doing A/N's in the start, ugh. But hey, really sorry for the slow updates again. I'm not doing really well mentally right now and my motivation is pretty low. But I promise that you're request will come out sooner or later :)  And omfg, almost 40 k readers! That's crazy, I can't even say how thankful I am!

-No ones POV-
"No Tommy! You were gone for so long so it's just natural that I took it on my own hands!" Jack yelled as he was standing behind the table. "NO! If you, Jack Manifold, don't shut up right now, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Tommy screamed back and banged his fist against the table, making Jack flinch a bit.

   "This is MY hotel! I BUILT IT!" Tommy kept screaming. "SOMEONE HAD TO RUN IT WHILE YOU WERE GONE!" Jack yelled and opened his arms. Tommy let out an annoyed chuckle and rolled his eyes.

   "You listen here Jack Manifold! I OWN THIS HOTEL, I WAS STUCK IN THE PRISON, THATS WHY I WASNT HERE AND YOU KNOW IT VERY WELL!" Jack tried to say something but Tommy just kept on screaming. Jack wasn't a fan of loud noises so he immediately covered his ears with his hands.


   Jack flinched harder this time and his whole body went cold. Those words hit him very hard: "no one cares about you" His lower lip started trembling a bit and he took a shaky breath. "What? Did you lose your ability to talk right now? You are a pussy Jack, the biggest pussy I have ever seen!" Tommy spat out.

   Jack could feel himself getting smaller, when someone yelled at him, he almost always regressed. He escaped scary situations by regressing. "I-" Jack tried to speak but only stumbled over his words in his mind. His breathing started getting pitched and he felt like he was gonna faint. Jack felt so overwhelmed so he got up from his desk and ran out of the room.

"What the- where are you going?!" Tommy yelled after him as Jack pushed him out of his way while he stumbled out of the room. Jack was almost blinded by tears as he skipped down the stairs, trying to get away from all the yelling. He finally got to the front door and Sam Nook looked at him.

Sam Nook: "Jack, is something wrong?" Jack didn't answer and just kept on running, not knowing where to go. Until he ran to Tubbo. "Woah woah, watch where you're going!" Tubbo said annoyed as the taller guy almost made him fall over. Jack just started whimpering quietly as he sat on the ground.

"H-hey? Are you... crying?" Tubbo asked confused and kneeled down next to Jack. Jack just kept on crying and covering his ears, not wanting to hear anymore loud yelling. "It's ok, don't cry" Tubbo tried comforting him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Can you tell me what happened, maybe I could help?" He asked smiling softly, carefully removing the hands from his ears.

"T-tommy was yelling at me" Jack sobbed and tried to reach out to grab onto Tubbo's sleeve. Tubbo looked down at Jack and let him grab onto him. "Oh god, why was he yelling" Tubbo asked, knowing Tommy can be really intimidating when angry. Jack couldn't answer, he just kept on crying, burying himself into Tubbo's sweater.

"Hey Jack, you're acting kinda weird, is something wrong?" Tubbo asked carefully, trying not to hurt Jack. "I'm little boy now" Jack mumbled quietly and looked up at Tubbo. "Oh? Like a kid?" Tubbo asked and scrunched his face in confusion. "Yeah, feel dis much old" Jack slurred and held three fingers up.

"That's ok, if you want to be a little boy you can be" Tubbo smiled and stroked Jack's head. "I think we should go somewhere else. Let me pick you up" Tubbo smiled as Jack held his hands out for him to pick him up. Tubbo wrapped his arms around the little's waist and he wrapped his arms and legs around him.

They started walking towards the community house, Tubbo thought that was the best place to take him for right now. Snowchester was too far away to carry a whiny little so community house was the best for right now. "It's ok, you're gonna be fine. Nobody's gonna hurt you, I'm taking care of you" Tubbo said quietly and patted Jack's back.

"Mmm, Tommy was bein' so mean to me" Jack chocked out and Tubbo heard Jack sniffle quietly. "Why was he yelling at you?" Tubbo asked. "I was jus' twying to take cawe of the hotel while he was gone and then he started scweaming. I didn' mean to be little boy, I'm sowwy Tubs" Jack mumbled sadly.

"Oh don't be sorry, I know Tommy can yell pretty loudly. He can be scary sometimes" Tubbo comforted him as he opened the community house door. He set him on the only bed that was left in the community house. Jack immediately crawled onto Tubbo's lap and began sobbing again.

"Shhh, it's ok little prince. Cry it out, it's gonna be ok" Tubbo shushed and hugged the little close to himself. "T-Tommy said that thewe's no one on my side and t-that evewyone hates me" Jack cried hysterically while cuddled up on his caregivers lap. "Nobody hates you! You are very important to me!" Tubbo cooed and patted Jack's back gently.

After a bit the crying turned into sniffles and the sniffles turned into silence. "You know Jacky, you can always come to me when you feel like you're a little boy, ok?" Tubbo whispered as he cuddled the little. "Thankies Tubs" Jack mumbled as he rested against his caregiver. Tubbo held him close until he fell asleep.

Sorry for the long wait again, but I hope you guys still like it!

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