"You don't have to regress alone" (Purpled and Punz)

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Request by Yaa_Smile23_

No romantic relationship, minor, adult, no.
And sorry if I chanced the plot a bit, I just needed a bit more filler!

And please don't sexualize any of the nicknames used in here like baby.

Plot: Purpled is feeling really down and alone, he tries to regress to make himself feel better. But regressing alone just made him feel even more stressed and he ends up panicking. Then Punz comes to take care of the little.

Warnings: Panick attack

Little: Purpled (1-3) CG: Punz

-No ones POV-
Purpled was feeling terrible, he was sad and lonely. He was sitting in his house, curled up on a ball against the wall hugging his knees to his chest. Many sleepless nights have gone past and Purpled has just been so alone for the past week. He knew that regressing would help, but was scared to. He hadn't eaten in probably two or three days, his appetite was gone.

    Purpled let out a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down. Then he started to slip, slowly but surely. The fuzzy feeling in the back of his mind just kept growing and soon he was fully in little space. Purpled looked around, everything looked so much bigger than when he was big. He was alone, no one was there to comfort him.

    It made Purpled feel lost, very tiny in a giant world. He felt his heart raising, tears stinging his eyes and his bottom lip slightly trembling. Purpled got up from the door and shuffled quietly to his bed. He pulled the covers over himself, trying to comfort himself by rocking himself back and forth.

    He felt the panick growing inside of him and tears started rolling down his cheeks. The boy let out a quiet sob, maybe regressing alone wasn't a good idea after all.

-Punz's POV-
I have been looking for Purpled all day, I haven't seen him all day and was getting worried. I walked to his house and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again a little bit louder. No answer again. "Purpled! Are you here?" I yelled, trying to get an answer.

   When there was no answer again, I invited myself in and opened the door quietly. "Purpled?" I quietly yelled to the house. Then I heard quiet chocked whimpers and hiccups coming from the bedroom. I got worried and speed walked towards the door. I tried to open the door, it was locked.

   "Purpled my guy, are you here?" I asked concerned as I tried to open the door. I just heard more cries and sobs coming from other side of the door. "Purpled are you ok?" I asked quietly, trying to get a proper answer from him. "I'm scawed Punz" I heard him sob and the tone in his voice made me realize what was going on. As Purpled's caregiver, he knew when the boy had regressed even from the sound of his voice.

-No one's POV-
Purpled was curled up in his bed with his hoodie sleeve in his mouth. Chewing on his sleeves was a thing he did when he got really stressed out. "Purpled, I need you to open the door for me please" Punz's voice said from other side of the door. "I-I c-cawn't" The little chocked out.

Punz took a deep breath. "Little guy, I know you are feeling sad right now but I can help you if you open the door" Punz said trying to keep his voice as calm as possible. Then it was quiet for like a minute. "You pwomise Punz 's not mad?" Purpled mumbled quietly. "Why would I be mad? Of course I'm not!" Punz cooed softly his hand on the door knob.

Then he heard the other boy shuffle towards the door and start opening the lock. Soon the door opened and Purpled was standing there with tears covering his whole face and his whole body was shaking. "Oh bubs" Punz cooed and pulled the panicked little into a hug. Purpled cried against his caregivers chest, his breathing being high pitched and unstable.

"Why didn't you tell me that you felt little? I would have came to help you?" Punz asked Purpled after a little bit. "I- I thought would bothew baba" Purpled hiccuped quietly. Punz let out a sigh and gently rubbed the little's back. "Oh baby, you being little doesn't ever bother me. If it would, I wouldn't be your caregiver" Punz said softly.

   "Weally?" Purpled mumbled quietly. "Of course" Punz nodded smiling. Purpled hesitantly lifted his head up from his caregivers chest and looked into his eyes. "I love you baba" Purpled murmured quietly. "I love you too" Punz smiled. "Let's go get a snack shouldn't we?" Purpled nodded happily and grabbed his caregivers hand.

   "I'm weally hungwy ba" Purpled said looking kinda sad and he placed a hand on his empty stomach. "You haven't been eating well lately, huh?" Punz asked. The littles belly answered for him by grumbling slightly. Punz let out a small giggle. "You must be really hungry then" Punz stated. "Mhm" Purpled answered sheepishly, looking down at his feet.

They went down to the kitchen and Punz placed the boy to sit on the counter top. He swung his feet back and forth while the older guy made him his bottle. Purpled grabbed a stuffed animal that was sitting on the counter next to him. "Look! Mistew Teddy!" The little giggled excitedly and shoved his friend to the caregiver.

"Yeah I see that" Punz laughed while he mixed the vanilla and sugar with the milk. The drink was finally ready for the hungry little and Punz came over to him. "Let's go to the couch to eat" he smiled and picked the little up. Purpled wrapped his arms and legs around his caregivers body. Punz sat down on the couch and pulled the little onto his lap.

Purpled made grabby hands towards the bottle but Punz pulled it away. "Say the magic word" he smiled. "Pwease?" Purpled pleaded with puppy dog eyes and then Punz gave him the warm milk. Purpled drank it as quickly as possible, forgetting to breathe during sips. "Omg, I know you're hungry but you have to breathe!" Punz laughed as Purpled finished his drink in under a minute.

Purpled gave the bottle to his caregiver and yawned. "Are you full? When was the last time you ate?" Punz asked softly as he gently rubbed Purpled's back. "Don' wemembew, twee days ago?" Purpled said kinda confused. "Oh bubs, you have to eat!" Punz said quietly and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Yeah yeah" he mumbled and cuddled closer to the older guy.

Purpled's belly was happy and he was happy, regressing with his caregiver really helped. He fell asleep on his lap and everything was better the next morning.

Sorry this took so long :D

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