Family of three (The Dream Team)

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Request by: millinotfound

Little: George (1-3) CG: Dream and Sapnap

Plot: Dream and Sapnap are in a relationship and George regresses so they are like parents to him.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this part took so long to come out. I haven't been doing the best mentally lately but I promise updates will start coming more recently! And I just want to tell you one thing that really annoys me. When I do a request for a person and they don't even read, vote or comment on it. I mean, it's ok if it happens once but please, I want to know how you like it! Thank you.

-No ones POV-
Sapnap woke up next to his boyfriend Dream in their shared room. He yawned and looked over at his still sleeping partner. He scooted closer to Dream and closed him in a hug, snuggling his face against his chest. "Morning babe" Dream mumbled with a fuzzy voice from sleeping.

   Dream placed a kiss in Sapnap's hair which made him smile. "We don't have anything planned out for today, we could cuddle in bed all day if we wanted to" Sapnap said happily as Dream ran his fingers through his hair. "Mm, that sounds great" Dream said, smiling at the thought. But then there was a knock on their bedroom door.

"Well that's from the day in bed" Dream sighed. "Come in!" It creaked open and George was standing in the doorway, dressed in a onesie and holding a cat stuffie. He also had a pacifier in his mouth. "Oh Georgie" Sapnap smiled as the little looked at his caregivers. "Cuddles?" George squeaked.

"Come here" Dream said, inviting the little to cuddle with them. George let out an exited squeak and ran to the bed. He climbed between his two caregivers and they hugged him close. "Did you sleep well prince?" Dream asked smiling as George sucked on his paci.

"Yes, yes I did" George smiled and offered his stuffie to Sapnap. "Well thank you!" Sapnap said and grabbed the cat from the little. He held it in front of him and George giggled as he tried to grab it. George was a really clingy little and was always holding onto one of his caregivers. Dream sat up in the bed and George thought he was leaving, so he immediately crawled onto his lap.

"Don' go Pa!" George whined and wrapped his arms around Dream's neck. "I won't, I won't but I think we should all get some breakfast" Dream said and looked down at George. George scrunched his face. "No, I wanna cuddle!" He pouted. "I think we should, you and your dada must be starving!" Dream laughed. 

  "I'm not hungwy!" George said and crossed his arms. "I feel a empty spot right here!" Sapnap said and poked on George's stomach, making George giggle. "Otay" George agreed and stuck his arms out for Dream to pick him up. Dream picked the little up and Sapnap got out of bed. All three of them went to the kitchen, Dream placed George to sit on the kitchen counter.

   "What would you like to eat prince?" Sapnap asked smiling as he gave the stuffie back to George. The little juts hummed quietly, not knowing what he wanted. "How about... eggs? Would that sound good?" Sapnap asked again, earning a small nod from George. "Eggs it is then" Dream nodded and he grabbed a pan from the cupboard.

   Sapnap got a carton of eggs from the fridge and cracked a few in the pan as Dream grabbed George's sippy cup from the cabinet. Sapnap started cooking the eggs. Dream looked at his boyfriend from behind, smirked and came behind Sapnap. He wrapped his arms around the shorter man and started kissing his neck.

   Sapnap giggled and turned around to kiss his boyfriend. "Yuckie!" George whined and covered his eyes. Both of them looked at the little. "Can't your daddies show a little love to each other?" Dream asked and Sapnap laughed. "No, you need to love me!" George pouted, opening his arms asking for a hug.

"I'll finish the eggs" Dream sighed smiling and Sapnap walked over to George. He wrapped his arms around the little and picked him up. "Oh my little prince" Sapnap hummed and bopped George up and down. George laid his head against his caregivers shoulder. "Is anyone still open for breakfast?" Dream asked soon as he put the eggs on plates.

He put George's eggs on a plate that was the shape of a bear face and milk in a bottle. "Yay, brekkie!" George said exited as Sapnap set him down on the table. "Well you weren't so excited fifteent minutes ago" Dream said jokingly and poked on George's nose. It made the little giggle and stuff his mouth with eggs.

"Someone was hungry" Sapnap laughed and ruffled George's hair. They finished their breakfast, but George still had his bottle left while they went to watch some tv. "Uppies!" George squealed and jumped on Dream's back for a piggyback ride. Dream spun around with George on his back and George was laughing so hard.

Sapnap laughed too as he sat on the couch. "Ok, now Papa's so tired that I think we'll have to sit down" Dream huffed after a long time of spinning the little around. "Aww, okie" George smiled as they sat down on the couch next to Sapnap. George immediately climbed on Dream's lap but he lifted him up.

"I'm so sweaty right now, I really need to cool down. Go sit on Dada's lap for a bit" he smiled and set the little on his boyfriend's lap. George snuggled against Sapnap and his caregiver started combing though his hair. "What would you like to watch?" Dream asked and started flipping though the channels.

Then there was Sponge Bob on one channel and George chose that it was a great thing to watch. For a long time they just watched cartoons and cuddled, until George said he wasn't feeling little anymore. "I think I should stream" George yawned and got up from the couch. When George left the room, Dream immediately pulled Sapnap on his lap and kissed him.

Here you go!

Dream SMP age regression one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant