Help from the unexcepted (Dream and the Sbi)

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Request by: that_odd_dandlion

Little: Dream (2-4) CG: The sbi (The sleepy bois inc)

Plot: After the fight with Dream, Quackity, Sapnap and George, Dream runs into the woods. He slips into little space and the sbi find him.

A/N: Happy pride month everyone! Remember that you are valid in any shape and form! If you ever feel invalid, remember that I love you and I care about you! If you're gay, pan, bi, lesbian, trans, non-binary or anything else (Super straight is an only exception) you are valid and loved! <3 And, it's the first day of pride month so gay validation day! Love from me to all the gay people out there, remember that you are awesome!

-Phil's POV-
"Can we please go home Phill?" Tommy groaned as he walked behind me in the forest. "I told you we are looking for berries, we can't go home before we find them!" I shook my head and continued through the woods. "My legs hurt!" Tommy whined, acting like a kid.

  "Omg, Wilbur can you carry your brother?" I asked annoyed and Wilbur nodded, letting Tommy to hop on his back. Techno was doing his own thing, being quiet as usual and kicking little rocks and branches. We walked for awhile with Tommy talking the whole time. Then I stopped on my tracks.

   "Wait, do you guys hear that?" I said and all the three of them stopped behind me. "What?!" Tommy asked, almost yelling. I put a finger on my mouth. I heard something, like crying, somebody's was crying in the forest. I started locating the sound, Techno apparently heard it too. "Who's crying?" He asked quietly and looked at me.

"I don't know" I sighed and started walking towards the sound, quicker and quicker, Techno coming close behind. Wilbur and Tommy came a little bit later. "Someone might be hurt!" I said worried. When I finally found where the sound was coming from, it wasn't really what I was expecting.

It was Dream, sitting on a little rock, whimpering sadly. "What the-" Techno started the sentence. "Shh, I will go talk to him. Don't do anything" I whispered and walked over to the younger man. "Dream? Is everything ok?" I asked, kneeling down on his level. Dream lifted his face from his hands and looked at me with face covered in tears.

"Dadza!" Dream chocked out and stook his arms out for me. I was confused, I knew I'm a father figure for many people but Dream had never seen me like that. "Uppies!" Dream whimpered and made grabby hands towards me, looking like he was gonna start bawling his eyes out again if I wouldn't pick him up.

"H-hey, it's ok, I'm here" I said softly and picked him up and set him on my lap while sitting down. Dream snuggled his head on the crook of my neck as I rubbed his back gently. I didn't know Dream was an age regressor. "Is something wrong Dream, can you tell me how old are you feeling right now?" I asked, bringing my dad voice out.

Dream put up two fingers, put didn't look sure. "So something in the between of two and three?" Dream nodded. "That's great, thanks for telling me!" I smiled and combed his hair with my fingers. Techno walked forward and looked at me with confusion. "What is this?" He asked and raised his eyebrows at me.

"He's a little!" I whisper yelled, covering Dream's ears gently with my hands. "Ooh, ok ok" Techno nodded. Then Wilbur and Tommy came behind Techno. "What da fawk?!" Tommy yelled as he hung on Wilbur's back like a monkey. "Shush Tommy!" I hissed through my teeth while still trying to comfort Dream.

"We're going home now, Techno, please explain to Wilbur and Tommy on the way" I huffed as I picked Dream up. The tall guy wrapped his arms and legs around me, still shaking a bit. "What we're you doing in the forest all by yourself little one?" I asked quietly. "They were mean to me" Dream said quietly.

"Who?" I asked confused. "Qwuackity, Gogy, Sappy..." Dream murmured sadly. "Did you guys fight?" I made the conclusions. "Yeah... and they wewe all against me..." Dream sniffled and seeked comfort from me. "Oh love" I sighed and kept carrying him home. When all the five of us finally got home, I immediately carried him to my bedroom.

I wrapped the little one in the covers and placed a kiss on his forehead. Wilbur bursted in and quickly hugged Dream, holding him there. "I didn't except that from you" I said surprised with Wilbur's reaction. "Niki's a little" he whispered to me, making so much more sense to me. "I didn't know you had experience with taking care of little's" I answered.

"Hi Dreamy, is everything alright?" Wilbur asked softly and pulled the little on his lap. "Wilby..." Dream murmured sleepily. "Yes, I'm here. You must be cold for sitting in the forest all alone" Wilbur said smiling and ruffled Dream's hair. "Mhm" He yawned and cuddled closer to the older man.

Techno came in with a sippy cup filled with milk and some bread. "Here you go, I thought you must be hungry" Techno said quietly and gave the food to Dream. "Thankies!" The little said as he started drinking from his sippy cup. Tommy was staring from the crack of the door, not wanting to come in.

I couldn't even hold Dream anymore, Wilbur was so in love with the little. I walked over to Tommy, he gave Dream a death stare. "What? Stop being so judgmental" I said quietly as Techno and Wilbur took care of Dream. "That's fucking Dream!" Tommy whisper yelled at me and pointed at the little sitting on my bed.

"Yes, but he can't do any harm to anyone in that position!" I hissed angrily and slapped Tommy's arm slightly. Tommy crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. "Now, go get some of your old toys for Dream" I said and sent him to get the toys while I walked back over to Dream. "Are Wilby and Techno taking good care of you?" I asked Dream smiling.

"Yes!" Dream squeaked happily and asked me for a hug. I hugged him, happy to make him happy. Then Tommy came back with the toy box and set it on the bed. Dream looked so exited and started immediately digging through the box. "Proud of you big guy" I said to Tommy and ruffled his hair.

Yes yes, thank you very much for reading!

Dream SMP age regression one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ