Prison makes little ones sick (Tommy & Dream)

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So first of all, there's not a romantic relationship between Dream and Tommy! Dream is and adult, Tommy's a teenager so this is not a ship story! Please don't ship Tommy with anyone, he said that he's uncomfortable with it.

Cg: Dream Little: Tommy (2-5)

Warnings: Throwing up, panicking.

Plot: Tommy is stuck in prison with Dream and he's slipping. He ends up regressing and Dream surprisingly takes care of him.

-No ones POV-
Tommy sat on the prison floor resting his head against the wall. He let out a shaky breath, feeling really stressed and mind uncomfortably fuzzy. Dream sat on the other side of the room, writing something, glancing at the younger boy from time to time. No one knew about Tommy's age regression, not even Tubbo.

   The sounds in the prison always made Tommy flinch. Everything was making him feel really overwhelmed right now, the cold obsidian floor, the sound of Dream's pen against the paper and even the fabric of his clothes made him feel trapped.

He had completely lost his appetite, a half eaten potato was laying next to him. Even the thought of putting it in his mouth made him nauseous. Tommy was extremely claustrophobic and everything in this prison made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

   He wanted to get out of his jeans and chance into a comfy pair of cute pajamas and just get into his headspace. Tommy wanted his pacifier, his stuffies, his little stuff. Then he couldn't just hold it in anymore, he let out a quiet sob. Dream's eyes shot on him, he looked shocked. "You... you ok?" Dream asked carefully as Tommy began sobbing and hiccuping quietly into his arms.

   "Down't like it hewe!" Tommy whimpered, just wanting to be held. Dream looked at him for awhile, not knowing what to do. But then he realized what was going on, from the sound of his voice and the way he was acting. He put his book in the chest and walked over to the boy who was now bawling his eyes out.

   Dream kneeled down to Tommy's level to talk to him. "Tommy, are you little right now?" Dream asked softly. Tommy just nodded, not being able to speak. "Hey hey, it's ok. I'm here little one" Dream spoke softly and placed his hand on his cheek to make the little boy look at him.

  "Tommy look at me, you need to calm down" Dream whispered as the boy just kept on whimpering, covering his whole face on tears. "Ok, come here" Dream sighed and pulled the boy on his lap, the little one immediately snuggling his head on the crook of the older man's neck. "I want to go home" Tommy whimpered quietly.

   "I know little one and I see you're uncomfortable. Is there anything that could make you feel better?" Dream asked while gently rubbing Tommy's back. "Clothes uncomwy" Tommy hiccuped against Dream's neck. Dream tought about it for a little bit.

   Dream stood up, still holding Tommy in his arms. The younger boy whined quietly and wrapped his arms and legs around Dreams body. Dream reached into his chest and dug under the books. He hid a hoodie there for when he wanted to feel comfortable.

   He sat back down on the floor and Tommy just kept his arms around him. "Ok Toms, you want to get changed?" Dream asked quietly. Tommy nodded in response. Dream pulled the hoodie on top of Tommy's T-shirt, it was too big on him and made him feel safer.

That made Tommy calm down a bit, he snuggled against Dream who was laying his back against the obsidian wall. Then they just sat there for awhile, Dream holding Tommy close to him. Dream knew that now he could really easily manipulate Tommy, but he had some kind of a sweet spot for the little one. Then Dream heard Tommy's stomach grumble quietly.

   "Are you hungry little one?" Dream asked softly and looked Tommy in the eyes. He nodded in response. "You want some potatoes? I have some extra ones in the chest" the older guy said. Now Tommy shook his head. "Toms you need to eat, I know you don't like potatoes but you need them to stay alive and healthy" Dream explained quietly while slowly stroking his back.

   "No no, no potatoes" Tommy whined and snuggled closer to Dream. Dream was concerned. "Are you feeling ok bud?" Tommy was quiet for a little bit. "Tummy 's upset" he whispered and placed a hand on his stomach. "Do you feel pukey?" Dream asked and looked at the little. "No thow up" Tommy shook his head.

   "But you still need to eat, just a little bit for me" Dream pleaded and grabbed a potato. Tommy looked at it hesitantly but let Dream feed it to him. He took a few bites and then he pulled his head away. "My tummy's huwting too much" Tommy whimpered and tears started stinging his eyes again.

   "Oh baby boy" Dream sighed desperately. Tommy wrapped his arms around his stomach and cried in pain. Dream placed a hand on Tommy's belly, pushing pressure on it to ease off the pain. He felt it swirl and rumble under his hand. "Oh your belly must be really hurting, huh?" Dream asked quietly.

   Tommy nodded and whimpered quietly. "I'm sowwy Dweam" he sobbed. "Why?" Dream asked. "I'm bwothewing you" he chocked out, making him feel even worse. "Shhh, calm down, you're making yourself sicker" Dream tried calming him down by patting his back.

But then Tommy threw up the potato he had eaten on the ground. "Oh shit!" Dream cussed quietly and backed up. He lifted Tommy up from his lap and placed him on the floor. Tommy started bawling his eyes out, feeling absolutely terrible. His stomach hurt, his head hurt, everything hurt.

Dream splashed some water on the ground and picked Tommy back up again. "It's ok Toms, do you feel any better now?" Dream spoke in a calming voice. Tommy shook his head while hiccuping quietly, still feeling horrible. "Oh god" Dream sighed and pulled Tommy closer.

Dream cuddled Tommy the whole night until he finally fell asleep. The next morning Tommy wasn't little anymore, feeling a lot better.

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