Caregiver swap (Dream & Purpled, Tubbo & Awesamdude)

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Request by: Airisuriri

Littles: Tubbo & Purpled CG's: Sam and Dream

A/N: I decided that I will start using more pictures to represent the things they are wearing and the positions they are in, so yeah :)

Plot: Sam is Purpled's caregiver and Dream Tubbo's. Tubbo gets stung by a bee and regresses, Purpled finds him and goes to get his caregiver, Sam. While Sam is paying attention to Tubbo, Purpled gets jealous about sharing his caregiver so he slips into little space and runs off. He bumps into Dream who is Tubbo's caregiver and he asks what's wrong. So Purpled tells Dream and Dream helps calm him down. Dream takes care of Purpled at the community house because he didn't want to go back to Sam just yet. Sam end up finding Dream and Purpled sleeping in the community house and he sits down with Tubbo and they end up falling with him too.

-Tubbo's POV-
I was walking through a field, looking for some flowers to decorate our house with. I saw some poppy's that I thought would fit my house perfectly. "*Gasp* BEES! Omg I would love some new bees!" I said exitedly and walked over to them. "Hey little bees, I would like to take a few of you with me" I said and took a leash out.

But when I kneeled down, I accidentally stepped on one of them andI started to hear angry buzzing. "Oh no" I whispered and was ready to run. But before I could do anything, all of them were already mad at me. I felt a pain on my hand as a bee had stung me. "Ow!" I screeched and held onto my hand. The stinger was stuck on my hand and as I saw it, tears started dripping down my cheeks.

-Purpled's POV-
I was walking through the field as I heard quiet cries coming somewhere. I followed the noice and then I saw Tubbo sitting in the grass. He was crying and looked like he was in pain. "Tubbo are you ok?" I asked and jogged to the other guy. "N-no! The stuwpid bee s-stung me!" He cried out, I knew Tubbo was a little so I heard from his voice that he was in little space.

   "Did it stung you on your arm?" I asked and lifted his hand from the spot. "No no! Don' touwch!" He sobbed. "I'll go get Sam ok?" I said and started running. I quickly found my caregiver. "Sam! Tubbo's hurt you need to come quick!" I yelled and grabbed his hand. "What happened?" He asked as we were running. "He got stung by a bee and he's in little space" I answered as we arrived at the field.

   "Hey Tubs, is everything alright? Where did the bee sting you?" Sam asked softly and kneeled in front of Tubbo. "H-hewe" he cried out and pointed at his arm.

-No one's POV-
"Can you take the hand off of the spot" Sam said quietly and lifted Tubbo's hand of. His face was covered in tears as he looked at the spot. "It's ok, I will pull the stinger out and then I will take care of you, ok hun" Sam spoke softly with a smile on his face. "Mhm" Tubbo nodded sadly. Purpled stared at the two of them with a pouty face.

  He was suddenly very jealous of sharing his caregiver. He could feel himself slipping, purely from jealousy. Then he didn't want to stare at them anymore so he turned the other way and started running. Purpled didn't know where he was running, he just wanted to get away. Suddenly he bumped into someone really tall, he looked up and saw Dream.

   "Purpled, what's going on?" He asked as the younger guy bumped into him. "He stole Dada fwom me!" Purpled pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Dream could hear from his voice that he was in little space. "Who did little one?" Dream asked softly and tried to make Purpled look at him. "Tubbo! He's so mean!" Purpled yelled and stomped his foot.

  "Awww, don't be mad at Tubbo, he just needs a caregiver when little and I wasn't there. Come here" Dream cooed and invited the little to a hug. Purpled just stood there with his arms crossed. "Hey, please" Dream said and Purpled gave in. He let Dream close him in a hug and rub his back. "We can't stay here, let's go" Dream said and lifted the little up. Purpled wrapped his arms and legs around Dream's body.

"Do you know why Tubbo didn't come to me?" Dream asked as he was carrying Purpled towards the community house. "A bee stun' him" Purpled mumbled with his mouth pressed against Dream's shoulder. "Oh poor baby..." Dream said sadly. Then Purpled looked at Dream, put his hands on his shoulder and pushed himself off from Dream's grip.

"Hey, what was that for?" Dream asked confused and looked at him. The older guy tried to pick him back up but Purpled just pushed him away. "You needed to pay attention to me!" The little pouted. "Evewyone jus' pays attention to Tubbo... stupid Tubbo..." Purpled murmured and kicked some grass in front of him. "Hey, we don't pout here! Or call people names!" Dream said firmly.

   Purpled looked up from the grass and his expression turned from angry to sad. "'M sowwy Dweam" Purpled mumbled sadly. "You shouldn't apologize to me but Tubbo. But you can do it later, now we will go to the community house" Dream sighed and picked up the little again. The two of them made their way to the community house and Dream placed Purpled on the bed.

"Look what I got for you here" Dream said smiling and grabbed a coloring book from under the bed. The little gasped happily as he also took the pack of crayons the older guy gave him. He flipped through the brand new coloring book, it was filled with pictures of bees. "It was originally meant for Tubbo but you can have it now, I'll buy Tubbo a new one later" Dream smiled and ruffled the little's hair.

   Purpled gave one crayon to Dream. "Le's colow dis one!" Purpled said and chose a picture with two bees and a flower field on it.

-Sam's POV-
"Do you feel any better now Tubs?" I asked as I patted the point where the bee had stung him with a wet towel. "Mhm" Tubbo nodded as he sat on my lap whil resting his head against my shoulder.

This is the position but Tubbo's head is on Sam's shoulder (minus the kissing ofc)

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This is the position but Tubbo's head is on Sam's shoulder (minus the kissing ofc)

"You are such a brave boy" I whispered as I placed a quick kiss on Tubbo's arm. "A magic kiss makes the pain go away" I hummed and that made Tubbo smile. "'M sleepy" Tubbo yawned and looked at me. "You should probably nap, let's go" I said and picked him up. We started making our way towards the community house.

  As we arrived there and got inside, I saw that Dream and Purpled were cuddled up on the bed sleeping. I completely forgot about Purpled! I thought to myself. Thankfully Dream took care of him. I carried the little who was already almost asleep on the bed next to them and laid him down. I got in the bed next to Tubbo and soon al the four of us were asleep.

A longer chapter again :)

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