Exile is hard (Tommy & Ranboo)

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Request from: Anime_dragon_4_life

Little: Ranboo (1-2) CG: Tommy

Again, no romantic relationship between the two of them! They are minors please don't ship them!

Plot: Ranboo takes care of Tommy while he's in exile and Tommy's being kind of a jerk to him until Ranboo slips and Tommy takes care of him.

-Tommy's POV-
Dream left, I'm alone again in exile. Ghostbur is somewhere, I don't even know where. Well, I'm not completely alone, Ranboo's here. I was building my tents. "You need help Tommy?" Ranboo asked when he came behind me. "No, I can do things myself thanks" I murmured annoyed.

-No ones POV-
Ranboo was just trying to be helpful, he didn't know why Tommy was being such a dick to him. Ranboo rubbed his forehead, trying to get the fuzzy feeling off his mind. He hasn't regressed in a long time, he didn't have time for it with all of this going on.

Ranboo just stood there for awhile, looking at Tommy building. He kinda zoned out, not regressing made his head always feel very heavy and he couldn't pay attention to stuff. "What are you staring at?" Tommy spat out and moved away from Ranboo. All the mean words made Ranboo feel very angry and really overwhelmed at the same time.

He let out a desperate sigh, stepped away and just sat down and started fidgeting with his fingers. Ranboo heard Tommy mumble something about him being annoyingly clingy and desperate for attention. Now he really wanted to regress, he wanted to get rid of the fuzzy feeling in the back of his head, get taken care of.

   "Ranboo! Bring me wood!" Tommy yelled and singed with his hand for Ranboo to come closer. Ranboo whined quietly and got up. He grabbed a bunch of wood and gave them to Tommy. "Finally you're being helpful" Tommy said angrily. The mean words made Ranboo feel smaller and tears started collecting under his eyes.

    Then a silence fell between the two of them, Tommy just kept building as Ranboo stood behind him, a tear escaping his eyes. Tommy didn't notice anything until Ranboo let out a quiet sob. Tommy turned his head towards the tall boy who was standing there facing the ground.

  "Umm, you... ok?" Tommy asked confused, not knowing what to do. "You don' have to be so mean to me" Ranboo said, his words slurring together. Tommy looked even more confused when he heard the other guy's voice. "S-sorry... Ranboo, you're acting weird what's wrong?" Tommy asked quietly, tilting his head a bit.

   "Feel dis much old" Ranboo said quietly and held up two fingers. Tommy tried to understand but it was hard. Then he remembered hearing about this, it was something called age regression or something? He knew that the person who regressed, went to a younger state of mind and they needed to be taken care of.

  Tommy immediately felt bad for being so mean to him, If he knew Ranboo was a little, he wouldn't have said all of those mean things. "H-hey, it's ok, I'm here" Tommy stuttered and grabbed Ranboo's hand. The little lifted his head up from the ground and looked at Tommy. "I'm sorry if I was mean, exile just made me kinda tense up you know?"

   "Is otay" Ranboo mumbled quietly. Then silence fell again. Suddenly Ranboo just wrapped his arms around Tommy, burying his face to the crook of the other boy's neck. He started sobbing quietly as Tommy clumsily hugged the other boy back. "Don't cry, it's gonna be okay" Tommy whispered as he patted Ranboo's back.

"You pwomise Tommy's not mad?" Ranboo asked quietly. "No, I'm not mad big guy" Tommy answered softly. "Let's go inside should we?" Ranboo nodded in response. Tommy gave his hand out for Ranboo to grab it. He took Ranboo to one of the tents that was completed and sat him down. Tommy was new to this little space stuff so he didn't know what to do.

   "Milky pwease" Ranboo said and reached his arms out to Tommy. "Milk? Okay" Tommy nodded and stared searching through the chest. Luckily he did found a bucket of milk and Ranboo pulled a bottle out of a little bag he had with him. "Put it hewe pwease" Ranboo mumbled and gave the bottle to Tommy.

   Tommy noticed that he was younger than usually, it didn't bother how young he was he just wanted to take care of him. So Tommy just did what Ranboo asked him to do, he poured the milk in the bottle. "Here you go big guy" Tommy smiled and handed the bottle to the little. "Thankies" Ranboo smiled and grabbed the bottle, he started drinking immediately.

   Tommy sat down next to the little. He just watched as Ranboo drank his milk happily. Soon Ranboo rested his head on Tommy's shoulder, scooting to sit close to Tommy's side. The other guy was confused but wrapped his arm around the little's shoulder and gently rubbed his back. He noticed that the boy was growing sleepy due to the milk.

   He let out a soft yawn as he finished his drink. "Are you sleepy big guy?" Tommy asked quietly. "No, wanna play!" Ranboo pouted. "You should take a nap, really" Tommy smiled. "No, play!" Ranboo kinda shouted and reached into his bag again, grabbing two little toys. He gave one to Tommy and kept one himself.

   "No Ranboo, you're gonna take a nap, ok?" Tommy said softly but certainly. Ranboo looked Tommy with a pouty face, he wasn't happy. But then he yawned again and decided a nap would be good. "Otay..." the little one murmured. Tommy was pleased with the answer, Ranboo crawled onto Tommy's lap and curled against him.

  Tommy wrapped his arms around the little and gently rubbed his back to get him to sleep. He hummed a random lullaby and soon Ranboo's breathing slowed down as he fell asleep.

Sorry if this wasn't that good, but I hope you still liked it!

Dream SMP age regression one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang