Hurt and little (BadBoyHalo, Fundy & Wilbur)

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Request by: AStreamer

Little: BadBoyHalo (3-4) CG's: Wilbur and Fundy

A/N: I just got a bunch of really really really cute pictures off of Pinterest of agere outfits, pacies, stuffies, bottles, ect! Ah, I'm so exited to use them!

Plot: Wilbur and Fundy come visit Bad and they decide to take a walk. Bad gets hurt kinda badly and slips accidentally. Wilbur is confused but Fundy is right by Bad's side trying to calm him down.

-No ones POV-
Bad heard a knock on his door as he was just sitting inside his house. As he went to open the door, Fundy and Wilbur were standing there. "Hi, what are you guys doing here?" Bad asked confused, he didn't really see the two of them often. "Oh just wanted to come see you and see how you're doing" Wilbur said and Fundy nodded.

"How I'm doing? What do you mean?" Bad asked confused. Wilbur looked at his son a bit embarrassed. "You know, with the Skeppy stuff going on and..." Fundy said and Bad's face turned quickly from confusion to sadness. "I... shouldn't have said that, darn it" Fundy huffed when he realized what he had said was stupid. Bad was still missing his best friend (slash boyfriend) who he had "lost" to the egg.

"Yeah, I'm doing absolutely fine, so, you guys should get going" Bad sighed and was ready to close the door. "W-wait! I'm sorry Bad, Fundy surely didn't mean it like that" Wilbur said and put his hand between the door. Bad looked at the two of them in the eyes for a moment. "We could take a walk, that would probably be good for all of us" Fundy said. Bad thought about it for a bit and then stepped outside.

"Fine, but only a short walk, I have some enchanting to do" The older guy huffed. They started walking along the prime path for a bit until they went to the forest. "So... what have you been up to?" Wilbur asked. Bad looked at him. "Nothing much, just... hanging" He shrugged and kept on walking. The conversation wasn't going anywhere so they were just walking quietly.

-Fundy's POV-
"Look a fox!" I said and pointed at the little animal behind us. (Kinda ironic because Fundy is also a half fox lol) "Where?" Bad asked and turned around. He was walking in front of me and Wilbur so he took a few steps back while still looking at our way. Soon I just heard a quiet scream as I was still looking at the fox.

Me and Wilbur quickly looked at where Bad was standing, but he wasn't there. "What" Wilbur said confused and we walked over to the spot. We noticed that there was a hole, not too deep, only like 2 meters deep and 2 meters wide. Bad had fallen in there and was now sitting at the bottom of it, holding his leg and I could hear him crying. "Bad are you ok!?" Wilbur yelled to him.

Bad didn't answer, he just kept whimpering and holding his leg. "I will go down there" I said and Wilbur just nodded I grabbed some dirt and used it to soften my landing. When I got to the bottom, I walked over to Bad and kneeled next to him. "Hey man, did you get hurt badly?" I asked, Bad was keeping his head down. Bad just nodded. "Ok, is it your leg?" I asked, trying to get some answers.

   The older guy just nodded again. "Bad, can you please just speak? It would be a lot easier to help you if you told me what is wrong" I huffed kinda annoyed. "My foots huwt!" Bad cried in a really soft tone. I tilted my head when I heard the tone in his voice. Is Bad an age regressor? I thought to myself. He did really act like HBomb when he's regressed, I am his caregiver after all.

   "Bad... how old are you right now?" I asked quietly. Bad looked at me with sad eyes and put up three fingers. I knew it. "Did you get hurt badly? Do you think you can walk?" I asked softly and sat next to Bad. "Is huwts too much, uppies pwease" Bad whined and looked up at me. I smiled softly. "Ok, c'm here" I picked the little up on my back and  started climbing the whole.

Dream SMP age regression one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum