Had she messed up the mind compulsion?

"Pietro you're tired, I think you should-"

He sped off the bed only to stand in front of her... his face, inches away from hers.

"I know what I saw," He said quietly, his blue eyes searching flicking between her brown ones. 

He brought a hand up and traced the skin under her eyes, where the veins had been. She didn't stop him this time. She was too caught up in her own thoughts.


How the hell did he remember?

She had specifically told him to forget-

Then Raven realized.

Pietro had gotten his powers from the mind stone... of course, he couldn't be compelled.

This situation just got incredibly more awkward. If she couldn't force him to forget then-

What the hell was she supposed to do?

"What does it mean?" he asked softly.

Pietro noticed the worry in her eyes. His hand fell back down to his side and he took a step back.

"What does it mean?" he repeated softly. He wanted answers, but he wasn't going to force her to give them if she didn't want to.

She seemed to think for a moment before turning so that her back was to him. For a second, Pietro really thought she was just going to walk away. She turned back around to face him however, only this time, she had red eyes with weird veins running under them.

Pietro wasn't scared, although he probably should have been. The only thing he felt was curiosity, if Raven hadn't hurt him until now, then she wasn't going to hurt him... right?

Raven frowned, part of her had wanted him to be scared, to run, screaming, out of her room. But he just stood there, looking at her face with a curious look. After a moment, her eyes turned brown once more and the veins disappeared. She had been testing him, to see how he would react. He was ready to know the truth, well... she didn't actually know if he was ready but he had already seen her face so she might as well just tell him.

"I'm a vampire," She said quietly.

"I'm a vampire," she said, so quietly that Pietro barely heard it, but he did.

A vampire?

Those were real?

He had heard stories of vampires when he was a kid. Those monsters that drank the human blood of anyone they came across and looked like Dracula. But here stood Raven. Looking... dare he say beautiful? As always. He had been standing here with her for about ten minutes now and she had not once tried to eat him.

Pietro now wore a very serious expression and Raven prepared herself for whatever he was about to throw at her.

"What do you get when you mix a vampire and a snowman?" He asked, letting a small grin settle on his face.

Was he being serious?

Was he actually about to-?

"Frostbite," he said, biting his lip to keep in his laugh.

Raven deadpanned. She had just told him she was a blood-sucking little monster and here he was... making jokes???

"I- what?" She was completely confused but that didn't stop him as he grinned wider.

"How do you say goodbye to a vampire?"

This dude-

"See ya later sucker"

Pietro laughed at the look of complete bewilderment on her face. Clearly, she had not been expecting this but Pietro was a God at making jokes, and what better time to make a vampire joke than when Raven just confessed to being a vampire.

Sure, he was still a little shocked himself but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

Speed, strength, hearing, the blood...

Pietro quickly put his left hand behind his back, he now knew it was what made her uncomfortable. Although it was properly wrapped now. Pietro had looked around her room a little while he had waited and he found a first aid kit.

Raven sighed.

"What did the others going to say-"

"I didn't tell them"

Raven was confused by this. She had expected him to tell his team what he had seen.

"I wanted answers first" He explained and she nodded.

From now on she would have to be very careful when it came to Pietro Maximoff.  

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now