13. afternoon delights.

Start from the beginning

"Who this?" Coach stops us looking at me. "This is ivory she joining us today," Logan says. I smiled sheepishly at him and he just nodded moving aside letting us on the bus.

"Does Giovanni know im joining you guys?" I asked walking down the aisle. "He knows now," Logan whispers in my ear. I looked up to the back of the bus seeing Giovanni staring at me.

Well, this is just amazing. On a bus full of super hot football players and yet I only want one of them to fuck me against a window.

As the boys took a seat I looked around. Giovanni had a free seat and for the enjoyment of myself, I sat next to another boy.

I looked up at the boy I sat next to seeing he was already staring at me. "Hey," I smiled

"Hey." He says, I nod looking forward.

"You know we don't see a lot of women on the bus," I look up seeing another player speak.

"Well, I'm not here by choice," I replied looking at him. He was really handsome.

"Who dragged a pretty thing like yourself here." He asked. Before I could reply, Giovanni stood over me.

"Yes gio," I asked looking up at him. His tattoos seem brighter due to his football jersey.

"Come with me." He says, I rolled my eyes. Dropping my shoulders "I'm having fun next to chad though."

"His name not chad," Giovanni says. I looked at the boy next to me. "What your name?" I whispered. Making him smile.

"Dylan," the boy replies I look back at Giovanni and smile. "I'm having fun sitting next to Dylan."

Giovanni rolled those beautiful eyes and sighed. He looked to Dylan. Basically saying move your ass now. Or I'm gonna beat your face to a pulp.

Dylan stood up and I let out a deep groan. "Come on Dylan I thought we were friends, you really gonna leave me!"

"Sorry love, he the captain," Dylan shrug his shoulder sitting somewhere else. I moved towards the window looking at Giovanni.

Giovanni had this silly smile on his face and I deeply wanted to take a picture of it. "You really should smile more," I say. And sadly as fast as that smile was there it was gone.

"There is really no reason for me to smile." He says.

I want to be the reason you smile.

"Mhm, whatever you say, Giovanni." I bite back the frown on my face.

"So who are you guys playing against?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Your brother team." He says I threw my head back. "Jesus you guys could have warned me," I looked out the window watching the cars drive past.

I placed my headphone in. '505' played in my ears. I tap my finger slightly on my lap. And as a forced habit I twisted my fingers together.

Giovanni put my hands in his. I didn't look at him but, I hate it here. I should haul my ass out this window.


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