Chapter 38

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"I'll catch up with you later. I need to head somewhere,"

Min said as she waved goodbye to Hana. She started walking towards the lecture room that Jimin was going to with a huge smile on her face. She felt grateful that Jimin helped her when her mother harassed her and finally felt safe and trusted Jimin. Just as she was about to turn around the corner, she heard voices.

"Are you really dating Min?"

A voice that sounded like Wonho asked. Min was curious as she tried listening further.

"No, we're not dating...yet. That Jinyoung guy was get all handsy around her so I had to protect her,"

Jimin stated as a huge smile spread across Min's face. 

"That's it? I mean, all of a sudden, you guys are acting so close and you're so overprotective when you're with her. I mean, it's kind of suspicious,"

Wonho teased as he nudged Jimin in the arm. Jimin just let out a laugh as he threw his head back and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I mean, I got close to her on purpose and not because I actually wanted to be her friend,"

He whispered with a chuckle as Min felt her heart drop. So there was a motive. Her eyebrows furrowed as her head started spinning. Why did Jimin not tell her when she suspected him of having a motive of growing close to her? Why did he lie? After all this time that they spent together, what was real and what wasn't? Did he truly want to be friends with her now? 

Was this all an act?

She felt as if there was a stab in her heart as she took a step back. She did not know why but she trusted Jimin a lot and actually regarded him as a friend. Maybe it was because he was the first person she opened up to and he opened up to her as well. She cared for him. She trusted him. But now, she did not know what to think. It felt as if everything she thought that was real was fake.

Pull away before you get too attached.

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