Chapter 15

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"I didn't bring much cash with me today. Is it fine if we just went to the café I work at? It's nearby too,"

Min muttered as she strolled beside Namgi along the street with her heart about to burst.

"Oh, I can help you pay,"

"No, it's fine, I'll pay the café back on my next shift,"

Min muttered, feeling increasingly bored by the conversation. If I were with Jimin- wait what?  She shook her head, horrified by her thoughts. She snapped out of her thoughts and Namgi's muffled voice slowly grew clearer.

"You're the kind of girl who likes to split the bill, huh?"

He asked, smiling as he turned to look at Min. Her racing heart slowly calmed down and she was able to turn to look at him and make eye contact with him.

"I like to be independent instead of constantly being the stereotypical 'damsel in distress',"

She muttered, as she diverted her gaze to look down at her feet. Namgi let out a chuckle as he lifted his arm up to pat her head. Min immediately remembered Jimin who patted her head previously. God, even being with Jimin would be more entertaining. She thought, a bit disgusted by her own thought but could not help but agree.

"That's why I like you, Min. You're not like the other girls in the campus,"

Min just forced a smile. She already knew she was a bit different. She had known that since she was younger when she had preferred locking herself up in her room to study than trying to flirt with boys, despite both actions to be equally respected. Namgi's comment surprisingly did not give her butterflies but instead annoyed her a little.

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