Chapter 1

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Secret Santa. The most pointless and unnecessary game to waste your money on. However, Min was now standing in a queue waiting to draw out a piece of paper from a box with someone's name on it like a freaking lottery.
Why? Because the most prestigious university still did stupid secret santa games. She had three months until University ends to get a stupid gift. Min rolled her eyes as she heard screams of enjoy and groans surround her from immature students who were all either in their twenties or about to turn twenty.

"Whoever gets Park Jimin is literally going to be so lucky,"

Hana squealed as she hooked her arms with Min. Min just tried getting Hana off her but failed eventually. Hana let out a giggle as she turned to face the front and grabbed the name slot from the box.
Her eyes went wide as she looked at Min. Min just rolled her eyes and stuck her hand into the box. She opened the folded piece of paper and felt her heart plummet. All the blood was drained from her face as her normal resting bitch face and calm composure was gone. The most cursed name was written before her.

Park Jimin

She was Park Jimin's secret santa. Her head was spinning as she let out a sigh. Whatever, she had a month to find something but she was just going to give him something expensive. After all, she did not really care about this game. She came here to study business and pass with flying colours, not play some stupid game.

"Who did you get?"

"Not telling,"

Min just muttered, walking away from Hana as she picked up her bag and her cup of Americano and left.

Secret Santa 박지민Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang