Chapter 20

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"What do you want? To give me the lingerie back?"

Min spat, grabbing onto the metal chains on either sides of her as she pushed herself before swinging back and forth in the swing. Jimin stayed silent as he sat still in his swing. Immediately noticing the change in his behaviour, Min put her feet down on the ground and slowed the swing down.

"Are you... okay?"

"What do I do, Min?"

Jimin sniffled as he turned to look at Min. Shocked, Min just stayed silent.

"Things aren't like they used to be. My life changed and I did too. I want everything to return to what it used to be,"

"I- I don't know what you mean-"

"My mother, sh-she had a kidney transplant. She's at xxx hospital and the bills are really high and i-"

Jimin muttered as he buried his head in his hands. Min's heart dropped as she froze. What was she suppose to do now? She just had her first mental meltdown in the past 10 years and now Jimin was confiding in her. In addition, she did not even know how to express her emotions properly! All she was going to do was make him feel worse!

"I'm so sorry... Jimin I-"

"I'm sorry for calling you out to meet up with me just to ruin your day. I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's ok. I was having a bad day as well,"

Min muttered, as she looked up to see Jimin looking at her as well. Something in her just clicked and for the first time in many years, she smiled. She smiled softly at Jimin and he smiled back. Min felt the same queasy feeling in her stomach but this time, way worse. Her heart was racing as well but she just ignored it.

"Have you been crying?"

Jimin muttered, staring softly into Min's eyes as she grew red.

"I-I wasn't! I'm allergic! Pollen allergy!"

Min panicked as her eyes shifted frantically. Jimin just let out a soft laugh as he patted her head. Min froze as her grip on the metal chains tightened.

"I'm glad I spilt your ice Americano,"

Jimin muttered, gazing at her.


"Because if I didn't, I wouldn't have known you,"

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